Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another Update...

This is Melinda writing for MaryBeth. If you haven't seen yesterday's post by MBA, you may want to read that first.

Duane and I got to see the Alexander family last night, as we dropped off Dream dinners (Thank you ALL who continue to keep their account stocked each month!). MBA showed off the AWESOME job her brothers did in the garage and patio. Wow!

We visited a bit, watched "Idol" with them, and the report is the family is living life together knowing that God is in control. Bruce was his cordial self; the kids are sweet (and bug each other every now and then); Mary Beth was honest about areas that she needs help.

This morning as Bruce waited for his radiation appointment, his pain increased to where the doctor decided to admit him. Mikaela is with the boys; Carol W is with MBA (brought her a coffee, of course); MBA's mom and sister will arrive tonight.

What can you do?
* Please pray for EACH person's health (physical, emotional, spiritual).

* If you have windows of time free to "jump", when called, for any errand MBA may need (kids picked up, quick goody run for Bruce, sitting with Bruce...), please email me at with your phone number and the day and time frame in which you are free. This will be at MBA's disposal when she needs something.

Take care; God is worthy.

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