Saturday, May 12, 2007

Guardedly Good News

Due to computer complications, this message was not posted yesterday like we thought. We apologize for the delay.

It can be overwhelming to relay melanoma cancer information, test results and suggested treatment plans. Our hope is to give just enough information to be helpful and not too much to make things confusing. With that said, here is Bruce's first post with some editing and additons from MB.....all with Bruce's ok, of course!


We saw the Neurosurgeon and the Immunotherapy doctor on Friday, May 11. Both scans were inconclusive, but encouraging.

The Neurosurgeon said that the MRI lit up where the previous brain tumor was. It could be post-operative scarring or evidence of something small growing. Because I do not have any symptoms that would indicate otherwise, his final words were "there appears to be no new tumors, keep an eye on any physical changes (weakness on the right side, seizures, speech difficulties, etc..), and let's do another MRI in 3 months". Bruce said, "Yahoo"!!!

Dr Curti, the Immunotherapy doctor, said that he saw no significant difference between the scans of February and those of May...which puts us in a "static mode". This is not a bad place to be, because the chest tumor, even though it didn't shrink, seemed to have stopped growing. Initially, we were told that there were four new growths in the lungs, but upon further review of the previous CT, the same spots were there in Feb., with no change. This is "guardedly good news" because the IL2 seems to have at least retarded the advancement of the tumors.

The next step is to wait and have another PET scan in 4 weeks. The reason for the wait is that the IL2 from the last treatment is still present in my system, and it will make a PET scan inaccurate if they do it now. The PET scan will expose any active cancerous tumors in the body, and if the spots in the lungs do not "light up", it will mean that they are likely not melanoma tumors but are "leftovers" from previous illnesses. We don't mind left-overs!

We are in another waiting stage but breathing a bit easier. Bruce is excited to keep feeling good for another month and continue to increase his strength and stamina for whatever lies ahead. The kids are doing great and relieved that we did not receive "the worst news". MB is thrilled that we can plan and make it through birthdays, holiday weekends, Spencer's play and graduation and everything else on the calendar with some sort of "normalcy" if the Alexander's know what that is!

We want to thank you all for the prayers and acts of serving and kindness you have shown us - they are making a difference in the lives of all of us!! In the past week, friends have gathered twice to pray for us and over us specifically, and we feel that the results of the 2 tests above were radically affected by your prayers!!! We continue to trust, taking one day at a time (is there any other way?), living, loving and laughing and knowing that each day is an incredible GIFT FROM GOD!

In a constant state of THANKFULNESS,
Bruce and MB for A TEAM!


Anonymous said...

Dear B & MB,

So glad to hear of the positive news!

Your God has commanded your strength; show Thyself strong, O God, who has acted on our behalf. Ps. 68:28


Anonymous said...

Celebrating your guardedly good news today!!
Continuing to pray alongside you!

Anonymous said...

Dear "A" Team,
Thanks be to God for the news just received. You are kept close to my heart in prayer. You are letting your light shine for all of us. Thank you. Lovingly, Sharon F.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marybeth, Happy Birthday , have a wonderful day and God bless all of you on this very special day. love marty nick and family

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Mary beth. love marty nick and family

Anonymous said...

You are an incredible source of strength and beauty for Bruce and you kids, I really admire you, so happy to hear such encourgaging new. Always in our thoughts and prayers.
Diane and Brad Curry
and family