Monday, October 8, 2007


I can't believe it's been three weeks since the last post....I guess no news is good news?...that, and we have been very busy!! Here's the latest:

~Bruce has been taking the Temodar nightly now for a little over three weeks. He will take it until Oct 25th, have two weeks off and go for more imaging in Nov. The side affects have been minimal (minor nausea, fatigue, a bit "foggy brained"...he sounds like he's pregnant!) and he is doing amazingly well. He's like the energizer bunny-he just keeps going! He tries to do light workouts and some cardio everyday cuz it helps him stay strong and feel, if only I could do that! While he can, he is "head teacher" with the boy's home school. Bruce is a great teacher and the boys love having this time with their daddy! Bruce is helping out as an assistant coach for Isaac's 8th grade football team (2nd year doing this) and just loves these boys....and they love their Coach Bruce! Bruce always said that if he could have his dream job, he would love to be a's to living his dream!

~While Bruce is home and doing well, I (MB) am pushing forward with my Arbonne business. (If you are not familiar with Arbonne, check out my website: ( and let me know how I can help you.)
I get to pick my own hours, can work around the family's schedule, introduce products that are pure, safe and beneficial, see amazing results and have a lot of fun while doing this. I am having a blast helping others personally and professionally while at the same time providing for my family and our future! We couldn't ask for anything better at this time in our lives....well, winning the lottery would be pretty good! :) I am back subbing again for indoor cycling. I have missed it and love being "back in the saddle"! It is so nice being home together and settled into a routine...for the time being!

~Home life continues to stay busy and full of activity:

**Mikaela is very involved with the 6th grade girls at our church, helps every Tues with a community outreach ministry at a local church, loves being a senior, just took her SATs and senior photos, is looking at a number of colleges, continues to sing constantly and loves being with her friends. She wants to get her license and really needs hours behind the wheel.....but it just isn't as fun as everything else she is doing. She is such a lovely young lady-inside and out!

**Spencer is doing great and loving the college least we think he news is good news, right? :) The last we heard, he was really liking his classes and his job with Grounds Maintenance. He has connected with a nice group of boys on his dorm floor and doing lots of fun things together. He had his first visit to the clinic two weeks ago-he hurt his ankle playing soccer. Thankfully it was just a sprain and no broken bones. We all miss him terribly but are so happy for him and the great experience so far.

**Talking about broken bones....that's what Isaac has. He fractured his wrist in football practice last week, has a temporary splint on right now and we see the doctor again on Tuesday. The fracture is near his growth plate and they are being very cautious. He will most likely be casted tomorrow, unless he needs more imaging or is referred to an orthopedist. He is having a great attitude (looks like he's out for the season), rooted his team on to a sudden overtime victory yesterday and just loves this sport and his teammates. He is a great team player-on and off the field!

**Pearce is just Pearce.....and loving football! He was born to play sports and is doing great for his first year. He is a key defensive player (don't ask me the official name, I just know that he gets to block and knock the bad guys down!) and is the biggest guy on the surprise there! :) He doesn't have any major injuries (knock on wood) just tons of bruises on his arms and a sore body from all the up-downs he gets to do! If he could live his dream, he would continue to to play for Linus Pauling Middle School, play for CHS, hope for a full ride at OSU and then play for any NFL Team after's to dreaming!

**And then there's Charlie! He is absolutely adorable and our whole family is totally in love with him.....especially Bruce! He keeps us on our toes and laughing with all his puppy antics. We are so fortunate to have him in our family...who knew that a dog could bring such joy and affection? We know!!

Well, that's it for now. Hopefully it won't take me another 3 weeks to post again, but I'm not making any promises. :) Thank you to everyone for your love, prayers and support. Your blog comments are so fun to read and are so encouraging....keep them coming!
Dream Freely~Dream Big~Dream Lots!!
MB for the A's!


rosepua said...

Thanks for the update. Very cool about all of the news. So glad you get to boss others around a bit while subbin'. Love you, MA

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the family news and activities of all. Life is good! Keep up the happy spirits! As you say just being home together is happiness in itself. You are all 'energizer bunnies'! Know you are all continually loved and prayed for. Peace, Love and Hugs.....Carol and Bob

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all the good news & happenings with the Alexandar family!

Anonymous said...

Hi my dear friends,

Reading your post is wonderful. Every time I read one I continue
to think it should be submitted for
a movie. there is so much goodness
involved with all of the challenge.

I love you all......I pray for all
of you every day..In fact today(Wednesday) is my day at St. Mary's
and the prayers continue.

Mary Beth I probably will not be
able to come to the 6:00 A.M. Cycle
class for a while. Jim (my husband)
is in California working as the
Director of Human Services in Mariposa County. He had to take the
only vehicle we have to get there.
I will be looking for a "Puddle
Hopper" when the time is right. I
will be able to get to class then.
The distance is walk-able from our
home but I get spooked now that it
is still dark at that hour (5:30A.M.).It takes me about 30 minutes to walk from home.


Marlene J.R.

Anonymous said...

sounds like life is sorta routine right now for you guys--Praise God for that!--routine is precious and never to be underestimated is it?To me it means my world is okay for the moment and I am always grateful for that! You and yours are always in our prayers, on our minds and in our hearts across the miles. God bless you! Cousins...Don and Sharon

Anonymous said...

So encourged today by your post. Such great news, great things happening in your lives, and a great reminder to dream big, and dream freely.
Thank you, MaryBeth, for filling us on and encouraging us. We continue to pray daily for you!
Blessings to all of you and praises/gratitude to God for His great work in your lives!

Anonymous said...

We think of you all and you are always a part of any prayer.
We continue to have faith in a positive outcome against all odds!
Love to the Alexanders, Michael, Lucy, Zachariah, and Cocoa Jack

Anonymous said...


It was great to hear from you. When your card arrived, I traveled down memory lane and told my kids about you and your family ... and the "old" days working at Summit. They experienced first-hand what it meant when family, friends and neighbors reached out during Chris' illness and now they heard how much it meant when we reached out. We're so happy that your NY trip was so memorable and that we could play a small part in making it so.

Speaking of memory lane, we traveled over Labor Day to OH and spent 4 wonderful days with Migon and her family.

May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family.


Anonymous said...

We are taking time in the morning to say our prayers for a positive outcome of your recent scans.
With all our hearts, G-D bless and may there be wonderful news, Love the Baker's

Anonymous said...

My mom just recently told me about what has been happening with your family. We are praying for your family. I can't believe that Spencer is in college! And Mikaela...she is so beautiful! Not to mention your other two are growing up so fast! I hope you know how much I loved your kids...and babysitting them. As a mom I now look back and realize my major inadequacies though! :) I hope they are none to worse for the wear!

Anonymous said...

Hi from Dennis at Timberhill, we had a February birthday party and the Alexander name came up several times. Be sure that you are in our thoughts. We miss you all.