Thursday, December 20, 2007


Bruce wanted to write this entry, so, here it is. My (MB's) additional comments will be in italics......

A little has happened since the last update. Here we go!

1. Mary Beth and I had a 4 day getaway to Seattle in early December. MB got stuck up in Seattle for an extra week when I-5 was closed due to the flooding of the Chehalis River…I had to fly back to Oregon for some appointments and rescue the kids from each other. She had some extra time for business and to do some fun things with her parents, family, friends …it turned out to be a nice break for her!!! (a nice beak for me, yes, but not so sure about my mom and dad....I think they are still recovering!) But when she got back KABOOM!!!...Christmas is upon us!! Many thanks to those who helped us with errands and transportation while we were gone – we were and are truly blessed to be surrounded with such great friends!!

2. I had two sessions of radiation surgery (Monday 12/10 and Thursday 12/13). Each session treated 2 tumors. The doctor, Dr Fuss, thinks that the treatments will be successful based on the other 5 tumors that were treated in July – they are doing great (not coming back), and according to Dr. Fuss, they are “textbook perfect” in their response.

3. There are two “freckles” that showed up on the most recent MRI, which may indicate 2 more tumors…but then again they may not… In 4 weeks I will get another MRI to check on them.

4. We got approved for the clinical trial of anti-CTLA4 (a new treatment for melanoma). Our chemo doctor (Dr. Brendan Curti) made a special appeal for us after it was initially turned down by our insurance provider. We are not sure when I will be able to participate in the study since I had to go on steroids for some brain swelling as a result of the radiation. To top it off, our insurance provider is changing with the new year and we may have to go through the appeal process again. Hopefully, there will be no problems!!

5. Isaac had surgery to remove a swollen lymph node on 12/17/07. He had a lump on the back of his head, right in the same spot as my tumor was a year ago. Due to my history, they thought it prudent to take the lump out and check it. The surgeon said it was an enlarged lymph nod, he showed it to the pathologist and initially it looked benign, but we will know for sure later this week. **just got the results in: a clean report-lymph nod is benign!! Isaac has 3 other 'lumps' on his head and we will continue to keep an eye on these** Ike was brave getting the IV, blood drawn and stuff. He said he is really looking forward to having stitches and then a cool scar on the back of his head. He also mentioned that he wants a Mohawk!! (small scar, no mohawk, had a big headache for a few days and is doing much better today!)

6. Spencer is back from school at George Fox, and has completed his first set of finals…I am sure he did very well…he likes the “studious” life of being a college student.
Mikaela is singing with the Worship Band for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services – she has a beautiful voice and is excited to let er rip….she even has a small solo!!!.
Pearce and Ike are on basketball teams and are doing well in their home schooling (but are waiting for the Christmas Break!). All three kids LOVE having their big brother back home!

7. Mary Beth is decorating for Christmas (actually she is pointing, and I am decorating..just the tree lights!!) Even though we got a late start it looks very fun and festive!!
She is diligently building her Arbonne Business….it’s hard work but very rewarding. She won a trip to the Bahamas this year, but we weren’t able to go. Her goal next year is to win the all expense paid trip to Cancun for the whole family in Oct 08….I know she can do it! I am so proud of her and her accomplishments and love seeing her in action! The biggest kick I get out of it is the interaction and the fun that the women (and even men!) have when they come to parties and try products, relax, reminisce and laugh – it is a nice little oasis of blessing and joy in our busy world. And the biggest kick I get out of it is that I am able to provide financially for my family during this time and have so much fun doing it!!

8. Last little thing. I ran across this passage in Malachi the other day. It is the last book in the old testament. It was written in about 430 BC –there would not be any more prophets until the Christ and John the Baptist 460 years later…so when I think about this book, I think that God was saying some things that were really important to remember…

Malachi 3:13-17 (English Standard Version)
13"Your words have been hard against me, says the LORD. But you say, 'How have we spoken against you?' 14You have said, 'It is vain to serve God. What is the profit of our keeping his charge or of walking as in mourning before the LORD of hosts? 15And now we call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers not only prosper but they put God to the test and they escape.'"
The Book of Remembrance
16Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another. The LORD paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who feared the LORD and esteemed His name. 17"They shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him.

Many people back then had become cynical. They did not see the point in continuing to serve the Lord, because arrogant and evil people were prospering while they were going without, or were suffering, or things were just not going their way. But there was a group of people who “feared” (esteemed) the Lord that did not agree with the many. In fact they got together and talked about it – to each other- and God, whose eyes roam to and fro about the whole earth, seeking those whose heart is completely His – was eavesdropping! He was listening in! And do you know what He did? He wrote down their names! Every single one of them. He made them His treasure and said “these are going to be treated like my sons and daughters”. I believe the Book is still open. He is still looking for those whose hearts belong to Him. He is still listening. He is still writing names....

Thank you for your prayers,
Bruce, MB and Family


Anonymous said...

To the 'A' Team.......Greetings to you all this Holy Season. As has been said before your family is an inspiration to all as we journey with you and help you carry your cross. May you find continued strength through this Christmas season along with the 'quiet' and peacefulness that Christmas brings. Love Carol and Bob

Anonymous said...

Bruce & MB,
I have been updating our cousin in Hamilton Ontario Canada with your blogs, the following is a snipit from their email this am: Love Carol
"What tremendous faith this family has. Bruce and his family are in our prayers and I've also added Bruce to the folks who we all regularly pray for on our adoration day."

Anonymous said...

Bruce & MB,

Randy and I have been following your journey online. I am so glad you have the blog and love the pictures. It helps us visually know how you are processing this. I appreciated your thoughts on Malachi. We are continueing to pray for your whole family. Wish we could have connected last summer. Undoubtedly, we will be in Oregon next summer since I have another niece getting married, hopefully we will be able to see you then.

Randy and Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We continue to follow your stregth and love as you and your family deals with this illness.
You may not hear from us often,but you and the family are in our prayers, and in our thoughts, and in our hearts in each and every day.
Continue to enjoy the holiday season, and know so many people share your families joy, hope, and stregnth.
"Life is what happens while your busy making plans"
. Enjoy each sunrise, and every momment that we are given by "Him", who created all that we are and all that we see.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

Still praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Bruce I have to say your final comments made me cry-the beauty that
Christ still "has the book open and is writing down names". His love for
us is so awesome to behold. Thanks for sharing that passage on the blog
it was a blessing tonight. It is too
bad we have to be neuropathy and prednisone buddies-always know I'm here to listen.

maphere said...

Hello Bruce,

I have recently read your blog and wanted to say I've heard good things about anti-ctla-4. Many other melanoma warriors have posted their results on the MPIP board, you can read their messages here:

I pray that God will bring healing to you.

Mike in Illinois

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you and your family, hoping for a update soon.