Sunday, August 17, 2008


Today is Bruce's birthday. He would be 51 years young today! We are celebrating everything that Bruce loved...
~Had apple pie for breakfast
~Enjoyed a home matinee: Nacho Libre
~Snacking on bbq chips and dip while watching the Olympics
~Having a dinner of barbecued bratwursts and burgers, fruit salad and corn on the cob
~Will get a game of Risk and/or Scrabble in as we digest dinner
~Top the day off with rootbeer floats, fig newtons and strawberry ice cream
~Tomorrow we will go to the gym and burn off all the extra calories...and have fun while doing it!
This is yet another "first" that we are walking through....emotions are all over the place but we are focusing on love and the good memories and creating new ones!

**Other Alexander News**
~Mikaela is close to her support goal. Life has been too busy to post her progress, but she will update a bit later.
~Pearce has pneumonia. He was not feeling well and having a variety of different symptoms, was put through a number of tests this week, including a difficult CT yesterday to determine the suspicious shadings in his left lung ......let's just say we are thrilled for this "just pneumonia" diagnosis!
~Spencer comes home on Thursday..YEAH! We will all be together for a about 10 days before Mikaela leaves on Aug 31st and Spencer on Sept 1st.

More later....dinner is ready!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bruce!

It sounds like you all celebrated in style. I would imagine it was a difficult day at best.

You continue to be in my thoughts an prayers!

Anonymous said...

It's good to see that the Lord is giving you courage and faith to seize the day, celebrate dear Bruce's legacy and press in to God's nearness as he leads you on. Praying you all through the journey toward Christ our prize,
Love, Karna
P.s. our gift was sent Mon. so should arrive soon!

Anonymous said...

I remember celebrating Bruce's birthday with you last year. It's a bittersweet time. I admire your creativity, Mary Beth.

Hope Pearce is feeling better, poor guy.

Karen B.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you all got through the day. Love you,

Jack G. said...

Praise God for your celebration of Bruce's b-day and the blending of old and new traditions.

I so appreciated Isaac's presence with the middle schoolers at Camp Attitude. When I accidentally ran over his foot with my wheelchair (600 lbs.) he didn't flinch! Must've been the Duck (duct) tape his shoe is wrapped with that saved him.