Saturday, July 21, 2007

3 DOWN ~ 7 TO GO!

Bruce finished his 3rd radiation treatment on Friday. All in all, it has gone well, with just a few minor technical difficulties. Bruce has made it ON TIME, IF NOT EARLY, to each of his appts...for those of you who know us, that is quite an accomplishment!! :) We are so proud!
He has had minimal side affects-nausea, headaches and fatigue-that are easily treated with tylenol, light meals and a pillow and blankie...and LOTS OF LOVIN' from his wife and kids!!!
Bruce has the weekend off from any treatments. He will go back Monday thru Friday and have 5 more treatments and then the last 2 are on Monday and Tuesday-finishing on the 31st!
He will have an MRI this Tuesday, the 24th, to clarify what those 4 spots are. Again, we will let you know when we know.
MBA for the A TEAM.


rosepua said...

Thanks for the update. If you want to keep laughin', perhaps seeing "Hairspray" with John Travolta will help...

Anonymous said...

Dear Mary beth, Bruce and Family, WE are ready to take on another week of prayer and faith. Gail and I spent some quality time with your mom & dad last night, what a blast. Nick & i are so lucky to have all of you as friends. We love you. By the way if you get a chance to see hairspray you would enjoy it immensely. love and prayers Marty& Nick

Anonymous said...

Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Spent the day on Sat. with your folks and had a wonderful time visiting and catching up and we are also covering you and your family in prayer,as always, but with heavy intercession. We love you guys.
Cousins, Sharon & Don

Misty<> said...

You are on our hearts and in our minds and covered in our prayers.

I think I will take everyone else's advice and just get out to see "Hairspray..." Apparently - that's the thing to do. It's a musical, right? MB - sneak a microphone into the theatre for some karaoke!

Just wanted to say hello - and to send our love to you.

I'm stuck on the song "He is Able" right now...

He is able, more than able
To accomplish what concerns me today
He is able, more than able
To handle anything that comes my way
He is able, more than able
To do much more than I could ever dream
He is able, more than able
To make me what He wants me to be

Eph 3:20

-Praying that our sovereign God is bringing about His purposes in you, as He is able and more than able to care for your best interest today - And praying for you to know how loved you are - Romans 8:38-39