Friday, March 16, 2007

Eleven Treatments Down

PICT0118, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

Bruce has impressed the doctors and nurses by getting 11 straight treatments so far out of the 14. Praise God for his (and Mary Beth's) perseverance! Pray for his endurance to the end!

They will be coming back tomorrow.

"Nurse" Mary Beth says to say thanks to everyone for their prayers and support!

(The picture is of Bruce in the final seconds of the Sonics-Knicks Game in New York)


Anonymous said...

Perseverance and endurance: these words conjure up two images in my mind- Abraham Lincoln and the Alexander duo, Bruce and Mary Beth. I work with Bruce and knows very well of his determination and perseverance.

Giovanna and I pray to God every day to grant you and Mary Beth the strength and endurance throughout these challenging times.

Also, remember that a delicious Middle Eastern dinner is awaiting yours' and Mary Beth's return to Corvallis.

God Bless

Your friend, Tarek

Anonymous said...

Bruce you just get more dapper with each picture. The 'special' hat is the dapperist. Be assured of my prayers and those of my family for your strength and your keeping on keeping on. I'm not leaving you out, dear Mary Beth. You are a pillar of strength and when the pillar gets tired, God takes over for you. I love you both and your family. Prayers also for amah and poppy. Lovingly, Sharon Filipcic