Saturday, March 31, 2007


DSCF0065, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

Hi Everyone! This is my first blog post. HAIRSPRAY was Bruce's favorite play and this is his favorite photo! This is actually how I style my hair.....with hairspray. It is called the Lucy-Do!
We want to thank everyone for making this trip possible. We had SO much FUN. It really was a dream come true. It has been so good to have recent, positive memories to remember and talk about while going through treatment and recovery. We head up to Providence on Monday for Bruce's 2nd round of Interleukin II (IL2). Please pray for the mental and physical strength and endurance to face this new challenge.
While you're at it, you can also pray that I will not look like this by the end of the week!

See a slideshow of our whole New York adventure by clicking on this link:

Click on the "view as slideshow" on the upper righthand corner of the page. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Mary Beth, you crack me up! It is so great to see you go through this with such grace and . . .humor. You are an inspiration to us all. Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce and MaryBeth!
We found out about this blog from Melinda A. and Kelly H. We're so glad to be able to know more about what's going on! BEAUTIFUL pictures of your family...and snapshots of your life! We are praying and trusting our faithful Father to lovingly take care of all of you.
Lisa Pulliam