Thursday, July 17, 2008


We got home Tues evening at 9:45pm....AAAHHH...10+ hours on the road was enough!! Our friend and amazing dog sitter, KC, brought Charlie back home right away and pure joy broke loose at the reunion of kids and pet! I think the kids were relieved that Charlie remembered them, the house and that he wanted to come back home! THANK YOU, KC, FOR TAKING SUCH EXCEPTIONAL CARE OF CHARLIE!!

We had a nice Wednesday of sleeping in, unpacking bags, lounging around (in between many loads of laundry), going through piles of mail, kids calling friends and making plans, etc.. We had a great vacation but there really is nothing like being home. Yes, it was very hard being on vacation without Bruce, even more difficult arriving home without him and being here without him...I'm certain that will be the case for a long time to come. I will post pictures from our trip when I learn how to download them from our new camera.

Spencer stayed very busy while we were at camp. We enjoyed seeing him every opportunity we could. He recovered quickly from his tooth extraction and there has been no problems. He really enjoys the team he is working with and he loves what he is doing (filming, editing and making a dvd every week along with other creative editing jobs for the two other camps). He does spend alot of time in the graphics office, aka "the dungeon", working long and late hours and is doing a fabulous job! He is ready for a break, though, and will fly home the last weekend of July for our yearly camp out with close college friends from OSU! We are all excited to have Spencer home again, even if for just 4 days!

We have some busy weeks ahead:
~Pearce is in physical therapy twice a week for some knee problems, is being tutored in math twice a week, is trying to get as much play time with friends as possible and attempting to keep up with things at home. I will home school Pearce for the 1st semester of his 7th grade and decide after that what will be best for him. I am looking forward to spending lots of 1 on 1 time with him...and I think Pearce is looking forward to it also! He is excited for football this fall and can't wait to be with his teammates again doing what he loves....smacking guys down!

~Ike is also in physical therapy twice a week for scoliosis, being tutored in math twice a week and doing other academic work in preparation for his freshman year. He will be going to Corvallis High School in September...he has a good dose of excitement and anxiety about his first public school experience. Football camp and daily doubles will be starting soon. I just want his body to be strong and ready for his football season...from a mother's perspective, one is never adequately ready for this type of abuse!

~Mikaela was ready to come home and prepare for her first year of college at George Fox......but it looks like she might be preparing for something else this next school year. When you ask God to direct your steps and lead you in His will......HE DOES!! Well, that is all I can say....Mikaela will have to share the rest. PLEASE PRAY FOR WISDOM, DISCERNMENT AND PEACE FOR MIKAELA AS SHE HAS A MAJOR DECISION TO MAKE WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK OR SO!! I promise, she will post something soon...very soon!

~Most days, I have way too much to do and not enough time to do it all. Again, I think it will be this way for some time. I have to take one day at a time, one step at a time, doing just the next thing....and then juggle everything else that comes my way that I didn't plan on! I am working my way back slowly into teaching cycling classes at Timberhill Athletic Club. I have really missed it and it is very good for me to be exercising again....I just need to be able to talk and ride at the same time...please pray that will happen soon!! :) I have joined a GriefShare Workshop this summer and that has been very good, very hard and very necessary! I try to purposefully take time to slow down, be still and process all that I am dealing with in the midst of our busy schedules and the workshop has been one great way for me to do that. It's not the easiest thing for me to do, but it is the best thing for me to do!

Boy, that was an ear full. I do hope that my postings give a little insight into what we, The A Team, are doing and are helpful for those of you who are still praying for us. It is "tricky" sometimes:
~to know what to say and what not to say......
~to make sense "on paper" when things don't always make sense in my heart and my brain.....
~to take the time to share when there isn't a whole lot of extra time......
~to want this all to go away and know that it won't.......
~to be on the receiving end of so much support, love and prayers and not be able to reciprocate in the same way.....
~to be so blessed and filled with overwhelming gratitude and to know that "thank you" just doesn't adequately express all that I feel.........but I say it anyway,




rosepua said...

Thanks, MaryBeth. Keep pressing on! Love, love, MA

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth & A team,
I am so glad that you made it home safely and are settling in to a "normal" routine. The routine will never be the same as it was, but God has a plan, and a new "normal" will develop over time.
Remember, there will always be more things to do than you can ever get done, so take the time to thank the Lord for his mercy and goodness, hug the kids, and set aside a bit of time each day for yourself - just you! Treasure the time with each, and consider, that what does not get done today, will still be awaiting. If it is really important, the Lord will enable a way to get it accomplished, in spite of all the other demands.
May God Bless you in a special way as you work with Pearce - it is a time that you and he will never have again, so both of you "make the most of it".
I pray that Mekala will listen to that "still small voice" that my Doris used to hear, telling her what the Lord really wants her to venture in to. Remember He will never give you more than you can handle, when you lean on Him.
God, please continue to bless the A Team as they move through this difficult but challenging phase of their lives. As the boys and girl enter more advanced schooling, please help them with the opportunities that come their way, and protect them from un-necessary impacts upon Your plan for them.
God Bless, Sandy

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for taking the time, emotionally and physically to post how you and the kids are doing and all the encompasses your busy lives, on the blog.

I am so excited to hear, in what direction Mikaela's heart will lead her. She already at such a young age has had big decisions in her life, this will be yet another stepping stone on her journey.

Spencer sounds like he is doing well and involved in wonderful work that he enjoys.

The boys are preparing for big things on their horizon too.

I love the picture of you and Bruce.

My thoughts are with you daily, my friend. I am so glad you are able to share grief with others, as hard as it is, it is healing too.
You have continually opened your life to all of your friends and accepted whatever life brings you. Not everyone is up to that challenge.

The humor and adventure and grief that fills your life is constant. Peace and quietness are harder to "hear". God is good and is holding your family close. I think Bruce whispers things to him and smiles and God provides. love, suz.

Anonymous said...

We were glad to talk to Mikaela last night and hear some about her plans.

Thanks for taking the time and emotional energy to post. I thought your list of thoughts at the end especially gave me insight to what you're going through. Kind of heartrending to see the picture of the family at Mt. Hermon last year.

Karen B.

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth,
Thank you for the update. I am still here following along...I just don't always post a response. Just want you to know we love you and think of you and pray for you.

Nikki Stauber said...

Sweet peace to you, dear heart.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your life with all of us.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home A Team. Thank you for the kind words, but truly it was my blessing to have Charlie visit for a little while. He is such a sweet, funny, affectionate being!

Auntie KC

Unknown said...

Mary Beth, Thanks for sharing what you are going through. I think of you often and visit this space to see what is happening in your lives. God will guide your steps each and every day and He will light the Way.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for you, sister. It is so good to read your updates..... Love you much - and can't wait to see you in October...


Anonymous said...

Please know that you and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth and Kids,

Today is a day of catching up with
the "A" Team news for me. Thank you
Mary Beth for all of the current news you shared with us. You continue to offer me strength.

Big Hugs,

Marlene J. R.

doylegolf1 said...

Finally have time to write. I know you got my voice mail. I pray, as we have not heard anything from Michaela on this blog, that God has done His work in her.

I am happy that you are finding schedules and this fall, coming into place.

You are an incredible mother and God is watching your every step.

May you feel His presence and direction each day. May you take time to breathe and smile. You are so worth it.

Blessings to you dear one. Hope to visit soon, Liz