Thursday, December 20, 2007
A little has happened since the last update. Here we go!
1. Mary Beth and I had a 4 day getaway to Seattle in early December. MB got stuck up in Seattle for an extra week when I-5 was closed due to the flooding of the Chehalis River…I had to fly back to Oregon for some appointments and rescue the kids from each other. She had some extra time for business and to do some fun things with her parents, family, friends …it turned out to be a nice break for her!!! (a nice beak for me, yes, but not so sure about my mom and dad....I think they are still recovering!) But when she got back KABOOM!!!...Christmas is upon us!! Many thanks to those who helped us with errands and transportation while we were gone – we were and are truly blessed to be surrounded with such great friends!!
2. I had two sessions of radiation surgery (Monday 12/10 and Thursday 12/13). Each session treated 2 tumors. The doctor, Dr Fuss, thinks that the treatments will be successful based on the other 5 tumors that were treated in July – they are doing great (not coming back), and according to Dr. Fuss, they are “textbook perfect” in their response.
3. There are two “freckles” that showed up on the most recent MRI, which may indicate 2 more tumors…but then again they may not… In 4 weeks I will get another MRI to check on them.
4. We got approved for the clinical trial of anti-CTLA4 (a new treatment for melanoma). Our chemo doctor (Dr. Brendan Curti) made a special appeal for us after it was initially turned down by our insurance provider. We are not sure when I will be able to participate in the study since I had to go on steroids for some brain swelling as a result of the radiation. To top it off, our insurance provider is changing with the new year and we may have to go through the appeal process again. Hopefully, there will be no problems!!
5. Isaac had surgery to remove a swollen lymph node on 12/17/07. He had a lump on the back of his head, right in the same spot as my tumor was a year ago. Due to my history, they thought it prudent to take the lump out and check it. The surgeon said it was an enlarged lymph nod, he showed it to the pathologist and initially it looked benign, but we will know for sure later this week. **just got the results in: a clean report-lymph nod is benign!! Isaac has 3 other 'lumps' on his head and we will continue to keep an eye on these** Ike was brave getting the IV, blood drawn and stuff. He said he is really looking forward to having stitches and then a cool scar on the back of his head. He also mentioned that he wants a Mohawk!! (small scar, no mohawk, had a big headache for a few days and is doing much better today!)
6. Spencer is back from school at George Fox, and has completed his first set of finals…I am sure he did very well…he likes the “studious” life of being a college student.
Mikaela is singing with the Worship Band for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services – she has a beautiful voice and is excited to let er rip….she even has a small solo!!!.
Pearce and Ike are on basketball teams and are doing well in their home schooling (but are waiting for the Christmas Break!). All three kids LOVE having their big brother back home!
7. Mary Beth is decorating for Christmas (actually she is pointing, and I am decorating..just the tree lights!!) Even though we got a late start it looks very fun and festive!!
She is diligently building her Arbonne Business….it’s hard work but very rewarding. She won a trip to the Bahamas this year, but we weren’t able to go. Her goal next year is to win the all expense paid trip to Cancun for the whole family in Oct 08….I know she can do it! I am so proud of her and her accomplishments and love seeing her in action! The biggest kick I get out of it is the interaction and the fun that the women (and even men!) have when they come to parties and try products, relax, reminisce and laugh – it is a nice little oasis of blessing and joy in our busy world. And the biggest kick I get out of it is that I am able to provide financially for my family during this time and have so much fun doing it!!
8. Last little thing. I ran across this passage in Malachi the other day. It is the last book in the old testament. It was written in about 430 BC –there would not be any more prophets until the Christ and John the Baptist 460 years later…so when I think about this book, I think that God was saying some things that were really important to remember…
Malachi 3:13-17 (English Standard Version)
13"Your words have been hard against me, says the LORD. But you say, 'How have we spoken against you?' 14You have said, 'It is vain to serve God. What is the profit of our keeping his charge or of walking as in mourning before the LORD of hosts? 15And now we call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers not only prosper but they put God to the test and they escape.'"
The Book of Remembrance
16Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another. The LORD paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who feared the LORD and esteemed His name. 17"They shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him.
Many people back then had become cynical. They did not see the point in continuing to serve the Lord, because arrogant and evil people were prospering while they were going without, or were suffering, or things were just not going their way. But there was a group of people who “feared” (esteemed) the Lord that did not agree with the many. In fact they got together and talked about it – to each other- and God, whose eyes roam to and fro about the whole earth, seeking those whose heart is completely His – was eavesdropping! He was listening in! And do you know what He did? He wrote down their names! Every single one of them. He made them His treasure and said “these are going to be treated like my sons and daughters”. I believe the Book is still open. He is still looking for those whose hearts belong to Him. He is still listening. He is still writing names....
Thank you for your prayers,
Bruce, MB and Family
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
HUGE HIGHLIGHT: Spencer showed up at the house Tues night as a surprise for his brothers and sister...oh man, I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard the screams of excitement and pure joy when the kids saw their big brother! They all had a good time touching Spencer's beard (face fuzz right now) and catching him up on all the happenings over the last 3 months. Spencer loved sleeping in his own bed, having some real food and just hanging at home. HE WAS GREATLY MISSED! I had all my baby chicks gathered together, the family was complete and this 'mother hen' was so content!
NEW NEWS: We found out on Monday that our insurance does not cover clinical trials. We were sad to hear this news but totally aware that God is in control, He knows what we need and He will take care of us. We are in the process of checking out what our costs would be for the trial, what additional expenses the study will cover and see what our options are. We continue to walk hand in hand with our Lord, step by step trusting Him and living one day at a time.
The Alexanders!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The news we received on Monday was not the best news....but it was, also, not the worst news:
To quote the Dr: "The melanoma has shifted over the past 2 months-a definite change in more aggressive growth patterns. There is mild progression in the lungs and there are new nests of melanoma in the brain that were not evident before. The tumors in the brain are small, in the overall scheme of things. Bruce's body is under stress of melanoma but he is doing very well physically and this opens the door for other options."
The option we have is an experimental clinical trial called "AntiCTLA4", also known as "ippilimomab"....try saying that 10 times really fast! This trial has been around for 3 years, used on 1000 patients worldwide with a 20% success rate with tumor shrinkage. This is a 90 minute IV treatment given once every three weeks for a total of 4 treatments. This is done at Providence Medical Center in Portland. The side affects (possible extreme flu-like symptoms) most likely won't show up until after the 3rd or 4th treatment. The response is often delayed, which means we most likely won't see any results until after the 12th week...meaning the tumors could possibly grow before they shrink.
We are in the process of reading all the material and submitting the necessary paperwork to get this started. We anticipate Bruce's first treatment within the next two weeks...which looks like we will make through the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays with minimal disruption...YEAH!
The kids, overall, are doing well. We had a chance to stop by George Fox and see Spencer on the way home from Portland. It was a quick visit (college life is full and busy), but any time we can get with him is precious. We had a "family meeting" with our other three kids on Monday night and they did well hearing the news, understanding it and are prepared to go forward....just like we always day at a time! We have such amazing children who are showing an incredible amount of maturity and courage in the midst of a very difficult time. They are living and learning what it means to "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THEIR HEARTS"!!
Bruce and I have had lots to absorb, process and discuss. It has been good, hard, sweet, overwhelming, uplifting, challenging.....and lots more. We continue to learn what it means to "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL OUR HEARTS"...and wouldn't want it any other way!!
I will post more information and details when I can.
We have so much to be thankful for and at the top of the list is the gift of friendship-each and everyone of you! Where would we be without you?
Keep praying. Keep walking with us. Keep trusting.
With much love,
Cancer is so limited....
It cannot cripple Love.
It cannot shatter Hope.
It cannot corrode Faith.
It cannot destroy Peace.
It cannot kill Friendship.
It cannot suppress Memories.
It cannot silence Courage.
It cannot invade the Soul.
It cannot steal Eternal Life.
It cannot conquer the Spirit.
Cancer is so limited!!
~Author Unknown
Monday, November 12, 2007
I will post the results when I can....that is, of course, after we have time as a couple to receive and process the info (good or not so good) AND have adequate time to do the same with our children!
Thank you, everyone, for your encouraging words and constant support. We are in God's care, surrounded by His love and filled with His peace!
Monday, October 8, 2007
~Bruce has been taking the Temodar nightly now for a little over three weeks. He will take it until Oct 25th, have two weeks off and go for more imaging in Nov. The side affects have been minimal (minor nausea, fatigue, a bit "foggy brained"...he sounds like he's pregnant!) and he is doing amazingly well. He's like the energizer bunny-he just keeps going! He tries to do light workouts and some cardio everyday cuz it helps him stay strong and feel, if only I could do that! While he can, he is "head teacher" with the boy's home school. Bruce is a great teacher and the boys love having this time with their daddy! Bruce is helping out as an assistant coach for Isaac's 8th grade football team (2nd year doing this) and just loves these boys....and they love their Coach Bruce! Bruce always said that if he could have his dream job, he would love to be a's to living his dream!
~While Bruce is home and doing well, I (MB) am pushing forward with my Arbonne business. (If you are not familiar with Arbonne, check out my website: ( and let me know how I can help you.)
I get to pick my own hours, can work around the family's schedule, introduce products that are pure, safe and beneficial, see amazing results and have a lot of fun while doing this. I am having a blast helping others personally and professionally while at the same time providing for my family and our future! We couldn't ask for anything better at this time in our lives....well, winning the lottery would be pretty good! :) I am back subbing again for indoor cycling. I have missed it and love being "back in the saddle"! It is so nice being home together and settled into a routine...for the time being!
~Home life continues to stay busy and full of activity:
**Mikaela is very involved with the 6th grade girls at our church, helps every Tues with a community outreach ministry at a local church, loves being a senior, just took her SATs and senior photos, is looking at a number of colleges, continues to sing constantly and loves being with her friends. She wants to get her license and really needs hours behind the wheel.....but it just isn't as fun as everything else she is doing. She is such a lovely young lady-inside and out!
**Spencer is doing great and loving the college least we think he news is good news, right? :) The last we heard, he was really liking his classes and his job with Grounds Maintenance. He has connected with a nice group of boys on his dorm floor and doing lots of fun things together. He had his first visit to the clinic two weeks ago-he hurt his ankle playing soccer. Thankfully it was just a sprain and no broken bones. We all miss him terribly but are so happy for him and the great experience so far.
**Talking about broken bones....that's what Isaac has. He fractured his wrist in football practice last week, has a temporary splint on right now and we see the doctor again on Tuesday. The fracture is near his growth plate and they are being very cautious. He will most likely be casted tomorrow, unless he needs more imaging or is referred to an orthopedist. He is having a great attitude (looks like he's out for the season), rooted his team on to a sudden overtime victory yesterday and just loves this sport and his teammates. He is a great team player-on and off the field!
**Pearce is just Pearce.....and loving football! He was born to play sports and is doing great for his first year. He is a key defensive player (don't ask me the official name, I just know that he gets to block and knock the bad guys down!) and is the biggest guy on the surprise there! :) He doesn't have any major injuries (knock on wood) just tons of bruises on his arms and a sore body from all the up-downs he gets to do! If he could live his dream, he would continue to to play for Linus Pauling Middle School, play for CHS, hope for a full ride at OSU and then play for any NFL Team after's to dreaming!
**And then there's Charlie! He is absolutely adorable and our whole family is totally in love with him.....especially Bruce! He keeps us on our toes and laughing with all his puppy antics. We are so fortunate to have him in our family...who knew that a dog could bring such joy and affection? We know!!
Well, that's it for now. Hopefully it won't take me another 3 weeks to post again, but I'm not making any promises. :) Thank you to everyone for your love, prayers and support. Your blog comments are so fun to read and are so encouraging....keep them coming!
Dream Freely~Dream Big~Dream Lots!!
MB for the A's!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
OH-for those of you who are curious.....the cost for the pills this month was only $30.00!!! Let me say it again: PRAISE GOD!
More later!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
We met with Dr Curti (our melanoma-oligist) on Friday. Here is the information we received:
**It is too early to assess the results of the brain radiation treatment. We will know more about this in two months.
**Bruce has three new lesions (tumors) in the left side of the brain, four new lesions in his lungs and the one tumor that has been in his chest cavitiy is larger. The new lesions are very small and, as of right now, they do not appear to be affecting Bruce physically. PRAISE THE LORD!
**Bruce will be taking an oral chemotherapy pill, TEMODAR, daily for 6 weeks. He will have 2 weeks off for recovery and then go in for another set of full body scans. We are waiting for all the insurance paperwork to be approved and hope to start the drug sometime this week.
**IF the scans show that the tumors have responded positively to the TEMODAR (shrunk or disappeared), then Bruce will repeat the same treatment cycle.
**TEMODAR was the treatment choice because it is one of the only drugs that can treat the body AND penetrate the blood brain barrier at the same time....which is desperately needed.
**This drug is the best tolerated by patients and hopefully will have minimal side affects: fatigue, nausea, headaches, blood count levels, etc. His blood will be checked regularly. Fortunately, we can do that locally. Unfortunately, it will mean more "pokes" for Bruce...his least favorite thing!
**There is NOT a cure for melanoma (the most unpredictable cancer and the most formidable), which we are fully aware of. This drug, however, will help us with our main goal: to keep kicking back the cancer by controlling the existing tumors and arresting the seeds of melanoma while maintaining the quality of life Bruce desires. Bruce is in excellent physical health with very strong and healthy internal organs. This puts him in the "best corner" to tolerate the drug and it's side affects and to keep on fighting! That is what he is-the best fighter I know!
We are so thankful for the excellent medical care that Bruce is receiving and have the highest respect for Dr Curti and his staff. He cares very much for Bruce-not only for his physical health but his personal life: me, our family and our quality of life. We are very blessed.
We are thrilled that Bruce can be home during the next two months (not in the hospital for lengthy stays and not a lot of I-5 commuting). This will be so nice for our family-especially for the kids as they can start their fall schedules with some consistency and if we ever had that before! :)
~That our insurance will cover the cost of the TEMODAR (it is very expensive).
~That the side affects will be minimal and tolerable for Bruce and that he continues to get whatever he needs to keep up the good fight!
~That our children will not be fearful and that they would be daily encouraged to carry on with what they need to do: enjoy their childhood, be brave, be honest with what they are feeling, depend on their God and each other........and keep their rooms clean! (Bruce threw that one in!)
~That MB would be emotionally and spiritually strengthened each day and have the stamina to deal with all that is required as a wife, mother and caretaker.
~That the Alexander Family would continue to "love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength", that we would "rejoice in the Lord always" and that every day we would continue to "taste and see the goodness of our Lord"!!
Thank you to everyone for walking alongside us, for bearing this with us, and for your help in fighting this battle....we need and love having you on our team!
And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness. " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong!!! (2Corinthians 12:9,10)
Staying Strong,
Monday, September 3, 2007
Hi All.
It's been a long time, huh? The last two weeks have been action packed and I will do my best to fill you in on all the family fun....don't worry, it will be the condensed version!!!
~Spencer is now officially a full time college student! He moved into Pennington, his dorm at George Fox, on Thursday, Aug 23rd, with the help from his Uncle Matt. Hmmm, "help" might not be the right word....they pulled the car up, a group of students came running to unload the car and carry all the boxes to Spencer's room. Spencer turned down Matt's offer to help unpack, so Matt took it upon himself to "break-in" and "test out" Spencer's pillow.. The final report: it works just fine! Oh, Matt wants everyone to know that he did carry in one box (there were only 8 students and 9 boxes)! Yes, Matt, you were a great help....and alot more fun than MOM!
Spencer is all settled in, staying busy with school work and campus activities and as far as we know, loving college life. If any of you hear from him, please let us know how he's doing! :)
~Mikaela had her senior pictures taken on Friday, Aug 30th. It feels like just yesterday she was a young freshman starting high she's all grown up.....where does the time go?? Mikaela starts school on Wed, Sept 5th. She's excited to be a senior, is really happy with her class schedule and can't wait to get started. She did mention that it will be lonely without Spencer there, but is looking forward to seeing all her friends! She is in the process of getting her 100 driving hours and can't wait to get her license....actually, it's her mom that can't wait!!!
~Isaac and Pearce are playing football for the Linus Pauling 8th and 6th grade teams. They are working hard, playing hard, and sleeping hard! They have their 'start of the season' Jamboree this Saturday and can't wait to get on the field and compete! The boys will be home schooled again this year and we are gearing up for the school routine. Their hair is growing in fast and I haven't heard the latest with what style they want next. Send in your votes for your favorite hair style and we'll see what happens!
~Bruce, as you well know, turned 50 on Aug 17th and boy, did we celebrate!! We need this whole next month just to recover! Our friends, Hugh and Tracy, hosted a party in their Bellevue home for friends and family in the Seattle area at the end of August. Bruce's sister, Kirsten, rallied together a handful of his high-school friends from Portland and 4 cousins he hasn't seen in years to come and crash the party!! What a total surprise for Bruce! The party was fabulous, with many close friends and family there to celebrate. Bruce was overwhelmed and came home with such a feeling of comfort, love and consolation. Thanks to all who made that such a special day. Pictures will be coming soon on the blog.....Bruce is wearing a very special outfit that he wants all to see!
~Bruce will be having a CT and brain MRI this Tues, the 4th, here in Corvallis. We will go see Dr Curti at Providence Medical in Portland on Friday, Aug 7th, at 10:30 am. We will find out if the radiation was successful on the brain tumors and what is going on in his body. The appt is scheduled for an hour and I know we will walk away with alot of new information to process and have some decisions to make regarding recommendations for future treatment.
We have enjoyed this "free-time with no treatments or surgeries. Bruce has been very diligent to get his body, mind and spirit in shape for whatever comes next. We have spent TONS of time together as a family and making sure we enjoy the simple things each and every day. What a gift each day is!
We will be attending a dear friend's wedding on Friday night and we want to fully enter into the joy of this celebration. So, we will share any medical news (good or bad) on Sat morning with our children (Spencer will be with us for the night) and then we will update the blog on Saturday night. We wanted to let you all know so that you are not alarmed by the delay in any posts. Thank you for understanding. Thank you all for your constant love, support, prayers and commitment to us!
More pictures will be coming soon......there are so many, it's hard to keep up!





Saturday, August 18, 2007
MAN, I FEEL LIKE AN EXPERT.....who am I kidding? :)
He loves to play with his puppy toys. This is one of his favorites. It is a spider toy that was a hand-me-down from a neighbor dog, Ashley.
Check out the previous post for pictures of the buzzing process!
SPENCER : No thank you, not this time. (He's headed off to college next week. That was the right answer!)
ISAAC & PEARCE: YEAH!!!...well, I don't know...hmmm, should we?...will it look funny?...LET'S DO IT!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bruce's 50th Birthday Blast
Come and join in on the fun had by all at Bruce's Birthday Blast!
Click here: Bruce's 50th Slideshow
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Bruce is done with radiation for awhile. He will go back in 4 weeks for another brain MRI. Our hope and prayer is that the tumors shrunk and there are no new growths. You can hope and pray with us!
Our next step is to contact Dr Curti, the immunotherapy specialist, to find out what Bruce's options are for systemic treatment for the rest of his body. We will keep you posted.
Spencer is packing and preparing to head off to George Fox University on August 23rd. YIKES...can this really be happening? He is so excited for this new adventure and can't wait to start living and experiencing the college life. The rest of the family is excited for him, also, but will miss him terribly!
Mikaela is a senior now and is looking forward to her last year of high school. She is getting tons of information on colleges and wants to go visit all of them....I can't go there quite kid at a time!
Isaac and Pearce are playing football this fall. They had a mini football camp last week, got all their equipment (no, Pearce, you cannot sleep in it) and will start team practices on the 20th. Isaac is quarterback for the 8th grade team and Pearce is a lineman for the 6th grade team. They love suiting up and playing in the backyard. We have to make sure Charlie is safe and sound inside!
Well, that's it for now. Smile lots, laugh loudly, hug those around you, say "I love you" as often as possible.....these are FREE resources available to everyone...and they NEVER RUN OUT!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Latest
Bruce had his 10th radiation treatment on July 31st. It has been nice to have some time off and give his body a much needed rest. Patches of his hair started falling out earlier this week (due to the radiation), so he went and had it all shaved off. He likes the new look and thinks he'll keep it this way! He is as handsome as ever!
He had a brain scan on Tues, Aug 7th, (in prep for future radiation) and went back to OHSU on Friday for a high dose "zap" on the new tumor. Well, there was some type of unexpected computer glitch. The techs worked very hard to figure it out and were unable to fix it. So, 2 1/2 hours later, we left without any treatment. But, it was not a wasted trip. It just so happened that a very good high school/college buddy of Bruce's (who lives near Portland) met us at OHSU. While Bruce was waiting in the treatment room (and having a great nap as the techs worked on things), Dave and I were able to visit. It was so nice not to be alone.....and it was extra fun to hear stories about Bruce's wild days in high school and college....NOT!
Bruce was bummed that he did not get his planned treatment. However, we had a great dinner at The Chart House and it was an absolute treat for Bruce to spend time with his buddy-remembering old times and being thankful for so much!! Thanks for a great evening, Dave!
Talking about old times.....BRUCE WILL BE 50 ON AUG 17TH! Bruce's 50th Birthday Bash Invitation was posted on the blog last week. All adults are welcome to come celebrate Bruce's half century mark. (Please read the Aug 6th post for specific details.) We will have another celebration with family and friends in Seattle later this month. More info on that later.
One specific prayer is that all the technical problems will be resolved quickly and that Bruce's treatment next week (not sure what day) will not interfere with his birthday celebration!
Big hugs to our family and friends who continue to love and support us faithfully through this trial. We are incredibly blessed, daily encouraged and forever grateful!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Meet Charlie...

Bruce's words to describe today: "We got a puppy and I had my last treatment; this truly is a good day." ;)
On another note, the college group at NW Hills was blessed to have Bruce and Mary Beth join us for dinner and a talk on compassion. Wow! What wise words we heard from both of them on this topic. I've included one photo of a few of the students with the couple. Enjoy, and keep praying for every need to be met, and for God to continue to use the Alexanders for His glory.
Friday, July 27, 2007
7 DOWN ~ 3 TO GO!
MB is so thankful and appreciative for those who have driven Bruce to and from his appts. I have needed the break and Bruce has needed the fellowship. We are indeed blessed!
Enough medical on to the fun stuff.....
Long story short (I'm getting really good at this), friends rallied together and have made it possible for us to get a Havanese puppy from a well known Portland breeder. He is a small puppy...and will stay that way...little! Havanese are known to be "very intelligent and witty dogs"....a perfect fit for the Alexanders!! Bruce and the kids fell in love with a 7 wk old male. He is white with a chocolate face and chocolate spots on his back and tail. Isaac has named him "Charleston". The kids are calling him "Charlie" all ready. We are making the necessary preparations and will be bringing "Charlie" home sometime next week. The kids are jumping out of their skin, Bruce is reservedly excited and MB is ready for the new addition! The timing is so right, the impact is so needed and the kids are so ready! We will send pictures when we can.
Thanks for being part of our adventure!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
3 DOWN ~ 7 TO GO!
He has had minimal side affects-nausea, headaches and fatigue-that are easily treated with tylenol, light meals and a pillow and blankie...and LOTS OF LOVIN' from his wife and kids!!!
Bruce has the weekend off from any treatments. He will go back Monday thru Friday and have 5 more treatments and then the last 2 are on Monday and Tuesday-finishing on the 31st!
He will have an MRI this Tuesday, the 24th, to clarify what those 4 spots are. Again, we will let you know when we know.
MBA for the A TEAM.
Monday, July 16, 2007
He gets a day off on Tues-yipee!! On Wed, he will start a 10 day radiation treatment plan for the two surgery sights. This is a lower dose to kill off any remaining cancer cells in hopes to prevent any recurrence in those areas.
The MRI also showed 4 other small spots in his brain. They are not certain what these spots are, so Bruce will have another MRI this week to determine if they are tumors or not. We will know more at the end of this week.
Bruce's treatment is outpatient-YEAH!! That means lots of driving to and from Portland-NOT YEAH! I am setting up a transportation schedule with friends who would like to spend some quality time with Bruce.........OK, THE TRUTH: I don't think I could make all those trips and Bruce would love a break from my driving! :) I'll be calling some of you soon!
We do not know how this will affect Bruce's future systemic treatment for his body. We are taking one day at a time.
We knew that tumors would most likely continue to grow in the brain, we just didn't think it would be this soon, this fast. We are so thankful for our time at Mount Hermon. It was an amazing time of spiritual renewal and refocusing, being reminded daily of God's faithfulness and goodness, resting in His love, and LAUGHING and PLAYING a whole bunch!! God's timing is so perfect. It was just what our family needed. We are ready to face this new challenge. We are blessed to have so many friends and family praying for us and helping us in so many ways. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Bruce flew home on Sat night and is resting comfortably in his own home. Isaac was invited to join our family friends, the Owers, on their yearly family camping trip. We sent him off Sat morning and will see him in two weeks. He will be in his element out in the woods, exploring nature, avoiding the rattlesnakes (please pray) and hanging with his buddy, Robbie.
I drove with the other 3 kids and arrived in Redding Sat night, had a great night sleep and will be on the road by 11am (please pray there is a Starbucks near by)
and home sometime early this evening....hopefully! The kids are troopers!
Bruce goes for his first targeted brain radiation at OHSU tomorrow, Monday, at 11:30am. We will know the rest of the treatment plan after Monday...more on that later.
Thanks again to everyone for their prayers and commitment to our family-we would not be where we are without it!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
We wanted all the kids there this time, but Mikaela got sick and had to stay behind with friends….thus, just the boys in the pictures.
Kirsten, Bruce’s sister, made him a Mr Potato Head Hat….also known as the “brain tuber” hat! Very creative. Great conversation piece!
Friends sent Bruce the Superman blanket with a matching pillow…very comfy! Bruce will have to fight me for it!

Monday, July 2, 2007
Again, trying to explain medical updates without being confusing can be tricky. My goal here is to be brief (yes, I can do that) but be informative. Here goes:
Bruce's next step will be localized brain radiation.
He will go to Portland this Thursday and Friday (5th & 6th) for the necessary radiation prep work. They will then take time to prepare a specific plan for Bruce and he will start radiation on Monday, July 16th. His treatments will be one hour each day for 5 days as an outpatient. They will radiate only the tumor bed areas to clean up any microscopic cells left over from surgery. This will take place in Portland at OHSU in a brand new radiation wing of the hospital. This new facility has the most advanced technology and machinery that provide the best treatment available for melanoma with specialized radiologists and medical staff. The most amazing thing is: This wing just opened up last Monday-the same day of Bruce's surgery. YES-GOD IS GOOD!!
Bruce will have about a week to recover from the radiation. The side affects are hopefully very minimal-small hair loss, minor nausea and fatigue....a piece of cake compared to brain surgery! YEAH, easy for me to say!! :)
Bruce is scheduled for a cat scan on July 30th and has a follow-up appt with Dr Curti on August 3rd. We will discuss at this time what systemic treatment plan will be best for Bruce, based on the results of the scan...possibly more Interleukin II OR an Interleukin/chemotherapy combination.
We willl let you know more when we know more.
Many of you know that one of our favorite family things to do in the summer is to go to Mount Hermon Family Camp in California-just outside San Jose. We weren't sure it was possbile for us to go this year and we just found out that we are going for sure! THE KIDS ARE THRILLED!
MB and the kids will caravan down with two other families on Saturday, July 7th and get home Sunday, the 15th. Bruce will fly down on Sat the 7th and come back on Sat the 14th-to get all the rest he needs before radiation on Monday. The timing is just right and God's provision is perfect in allowing us to go! Another miracle!
Well, that's enough for now. We'll fill you in on more later. Pictures are coming-MB's having just a few technical difficulties that my friend Carol, the blog expert, will be able to remedy in no time!
Love To All,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The kids have been farmed out to various friend's houses and we are home resting and recuperating. Bruce is feeling great-a bit tired and working hard to rehabilitate his right hand- and loves being in his own home and in his own bed.
We look forward to a restful week and weekend with the kids. They have been real troopers through this all, are very concerned about their daddy and can't wait to come home and love on him!
Pictures will get posted claymation, yet.....but great photos of Bruce with his family at the hospital.
Thankful, Encouraged, Hopeful,
The A TEAM!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
He just had a consult with the occupational therapist and was able to also impress her.....more steroids, please! :) He has limited movement in his right hand and was given some bright green "theraputty" to work with. I will take a picture of his best clay creation and try to post it to the blog soon....he wants to impress everyone he can! :)
He is hoping to be discharged on Wednesday. He is SO ready to come home....he is getting bored with ESPN.....yes, I'm talking about Bruce! Well, he now has his theraputty to keep him occupied!
We have been well loved and cared for. Thank you to everyone for your help, support, prayers and words of encouragement.
We will send more info later about our future treatment options. I am now going to take a much needed nap and am trying to encourage Bruce to nap also. There will always be time to impress the medical staff later!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Bruce is out of surgery
I just got a call that Bruce is out of surgery and he is in stable condition. The doctors say that he looks good, and he was being wheeled upstairs for a cat scan. Hoping to update you with more news soon!
Carol for the A Team
Saturday, June 23, 2007
We've received many offers for help while we are up there and we are so appreciative. We are not sure what our needs will be, and it is nice to know that we have options that are just a phone call away. THANK YOU for all the offers....I'm sure I will be calling!
Well, that's it for now. We have lots to do today...and we have to get it done before's the first game of the College World Series....GO BEAVERS!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
LIFE DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER!!! And the day has just begun!
We plan on doing just that!
Bruce will have brain surgery Monday, June 25th. It is tentatively set for 10:00am, but we will confirm everything this Friday....his time could be moved in order to accomodate any last minute emergencies. The plan is for him to be at the hospital for two days and then come home. Bruce did so well with his surgery in Feb and the neurosurgeon anticipates that he will do just as well this time. The kids will be more involved in the process this time....NO-NOT IN THE OPERATING ROOM!!
Our plan is to bring them up on Monday, being there before and after surgery and just being together as a family!
This might sound bizarre, but this brain surgery is very routine. The hardest part for Bruce is all the needle pokes beforehand!! He actually feels better with the tumors removed. Bruce came out of his last brain surgery just talking up a storm, showing the recovery nurses all the things he could do with his right hand (which he had lost mobility of) and was sitting up asking for food!! We were all shocked (including the staff) that Bruce had just had brain surgery! We are hoping for the same results this time! We are so thankful that the tumors are operable and that we have such great surgeons and a great medical staff at OHSU.
We do not have any news on Bruce's treatment plan after the brain surgery. We will post that information when we get it.
We are so blessed by the incredible outpouring of love and support from everyone. We are so encouraged and strengthened by all the prayers, kind words, yummy meals, uplifting emails, generosity and offers to help with anything, the extra effort, energy and attention given to buoy our kids.......indeed, we are blessed.
Well, off to celebrate Bruce some more...and to celebrate our HEAVENLY FATHER...from Whom all good things come!
MB for The A TEAM!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
We are heading out the door in many different directions today, so here is a brief recap of our doctor visits:
**The brain tumor has grown back in the same place (top left side) and is the size of 1/2 a filbert. This is statistically what happens, so we were aware of this possiblity.
**There is a new brain tumor growing in the back, lower right side and is the size of a pencil eraser. This is near the vision section of the brain.
**A radiologist is looking more thoroughly at the petscan of Bruce's chest and the rest of his body to get a more complete read of the images. We will find out more next week if the tumor responded to the IL2 treatment (It appears that it did not) and if there is any evidence of new growths.
**So-Bruce will most likely have brain surgery within the next two weeks, have a few weeks off to recover adn then go in for more treatment for his body...either more IL2 OR a biochemotherapy treatment. The treatment will depend on the final read of the petscan.
We are thankful that we have choices at this point. It will be hard, but we have done it before and we can do it again. Our prayer is that we could somehow work the surgery and treatment around our plans to go to Mt Hermon-our yearly family camp in California-without any risk to Bruce's health.
Gotta run. More details to follow later.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
It has been awhile since our last post and we wanted to keep you up to date.
Bruce has a had a good month. It has been over 2 months since his last IL2 treatment and every day he feels stronger and less tired as this drug slowly leaves his body. He has enjoyed working in the yard, spending time with MB and the kids, having family down over Memorial Day Weekend, and even hitting some golf balls around. We just celebrated Pearce's 11th birthday today, (Isaac, Mikaela and MB's were in May), and we are so thankful that Bruce has been well enough to celebrate and participate actively in these events. To top it all off, we get to see our oldest son, Spencer, graduate from high school on June 11th. Yes, life has been busy, but FULFILLING and GOOD! Every day is a gift and to be cherished and we are realizing this more and more each day.
We go to Portland on Friday morning (June 8th) for Bruce's full body PET SCAN at 9AM. We then see Dr Curti at 3PM that same afternoon to get the test results and find out "where to from here"! We have had this appt scheduled since last month and have been eagerly awaiting it's arrival. We have had some new, unexpected appts this week and want to share them now briefly:
Bruce had a brain MRI on Tuesday, here in Corvallis. Bruce had a seizure in his right arm and hand over Memorial Day weekend. He was caught completely off guard by this and was careful the rest of the weekend. We watched, waited, called the Dr and nothing happened the rest of the week. Unfortunately, last Sat night he had another arm seizure and 2 more since then.....thus the MRI. The Dr started him on dilantin,(anti-seizure medicine), Tues evening and he has not had any more seizures since then...PRAISE GOD!
Based on this new development, we will also be seeing the neurosurgeon on Friday in between the 9AM PETSCAN and our 3PM appt with Dr Curti.....the day just didn't seem full enough, so why not? It will be a long day for us, but do-able, cuz we will be together. We are thankful that the waiting period is over and that we will get a complete picture of any cancer activity-not only in Bruce's chest and lungs but also his brain. We hope to get very thorough information from both tests that will help us with any future treatment decisions that we need to make.
As mentioned before, EVERY DAY IS A GIFT! We are so thankful for the support and love we get each and everyday. We couldn't do this without your prayers and committment to our family.
We couldn't do this without our GOD!
We will post again as soon as we can.
Blessed and Encouraged,
Bruce (Superman), MB and the A TEAM!
Fishing Expedition
Yes, Isaac and Pearce had a great time fishing with their Dad and some friends last night!
Continue to pray for the Alexander family!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Congratulations Graduating Spencer!
Spencer is graduating from high school in June, and they threw a big party with Amah and Poppy, great aunts, great uncle, aunts, uncles, all the Seattle cousins, and a load of friends!
There is a whole set of pictures on yet another slideshow, and you can view them all:
Spencer's Graduation Party.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The "A" Team's California Adventure
Enjoy a slideshow of the "A" Team's trip to Southern California!
Click here: Alexander's California Adventure.
Then click on "slideshow" in the upper right corner. You can view it on slow, medium, or fast.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Guardedly Good News
It can be overwhelming to relay melanoma cancer information, test results and suggested treatment plans. Our hope is to give just enough information to be helpful and not too much to make things confusing. With that said, here is Bruce's first post with some editing and additons from MB.....all with Bruce's ok, of course!
We saw the Neurosurgeon and the Immunotherapy doctor on Friday, May 11. Both scans were inconclusive, but encouraging.
The Neurosurgeon said that the MRI lit up where the previous brain tumor was. It could be post-operative scarring or evidence of something small growing. Because I do not have any symptoms that would indicate otherwise, his final words were "there appears to be no new tumors, keep an eye on any physical changes (weakness on the right side, seizures, speech difficulties, etc..), and let's do another MRI in 3 months". Bruce said, "Yahoo"!!!
Dr Curti, the Immunotherapy doctor, said that he saw no significant difference between the scans of February and those of May...which puts us in a "static mode". This is not a bad place to be, because the chest tumor, even though it didn't shrink, seemed to have stopped growing. Initially, we were told that there were four new growths in the lungs, but upon further review of the previous CT, the same spots were there in Feb., with no change. This is "guardedly good news" because the IL2 seems to have at least retarded the advancement of the tumors.
The next step is to wait and have another PET scan in 4 weeks. The reason for the wait is that the IL2 from the last treatment is still present in my system, and it will make a PET scan inaccurate if they do it now. The PET scan will expose any active cancerous tumors in the body, and if the spots in the lungs do not "light up", it will mean that they are likely not melanoma tumors but are "leftovers" from previous illnesses. We don't mind left-overs!
We are in another waiting stage but breathing a bit easier. Bruce is excited to keep feeling good for another month and continue to increase his strength and stamina for whatever lies ahead. The kids are doing great and relieved that we did not receive "the worst news". MB is thrilled that we can plan and make it through birthdays, holiday weekends, Spencer's play and graduation and everything else on the calendar with some sort of "normalcy" if the Alexander's know what that is!
We want to thank you all for the prayers and acts of serving and kindness you have shown us - they are making a difference in the lives of all of us!! In the past week, friends have gathered twice to pray for us and over us specifically, and we feel that the results of the 2 tests above were radically affected by your prayers!!! We continue to trust, taking one day at a time (is there any other way?), living, loving and laughing and knowing that each day is an incredible GIFT FROM GOD!
In a constant state of THANKFULNESS,
Bruce and MB for A TEAM!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Happy Anniversary Bruce and Mary Beth!
I stopped by the A's house only to discover that today is the big
TWENTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY of this lovely couple!
Just thought you all should know!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Anyway, I had less than 20 minutes to call the airlines, change reservations, check with hotel availability, get online to verify info, round up the kids, make sure the luggage did not get loaded on the shuttle and then nicely ask bell services to load back up our huge pile of stuff. Our friends-the Labossiers-had a good laugh with us as they headed to the airport with correct tickets to catch their plane!
We were definitely having a "California Adventure"...the Alexander way!
The kids asked (really begged) if we could NOT do anymore Disney that day. They immediately went to their room to lay down, kick their feet up and chill out while Bruce took a much needed nap. We had a nice dinner together as a family, a walk through Downtown Disney and all had a good night's rest.
We had a great brunch this morning with some fun Disney characters, loaded and packed up everything AGAIN, Bruce and the boys went to do "last-minute" Disney rides, MB called bell services (with much fear and trembling)and we will be catching the shuttle in an hour. We made the best of our extra unexpected 24 hours together, and we look forward to being home tonight....really, we are coming home today!
We had an amazing time as a many laughs, doing fun things, making special memories, with Spencer & Tracy catching most of it on camera. Bruce was Mr. Sunscreen and Mr. In-The-Shade, being very careful with any sun exposure. He was glad to have the time resting in Palm Desert prior to Disneyland. He had to take a break everyday and rest, but did pretty well keeping up with the rest of us. He now needs a vacation after our vacation. :)
We have many more fun stories and pictures.....keep posted for more details of The Alexander Adventures!
As Tigger would say,
TTFN (ta-ta for now),
MBA for the A Team
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
We are here in sunny Palm Desert, CA and loving it! It is 5:30pm and currently 94 degrees...just a bit warm. There is a slight breeze blowing right now, making it a lovely, summer evening...and it's not even summer, yet! The weather and surroundings here are perfect for what we need right now-rest, relaxation, laid back days with no agenda and just being with each other. Did I mention we are loving it? :)
Here is a quick re-cap or our time thus far:
**Bruce, MB, Ike and Pearce flew out early Sat morning and arrived in PD early afternoon. This was Pearce and Ike's first plane ride and I did my best to make it as memorable as possible (and totally embarrassed them):
~They went through the full security check: head-to-toe wand check and full pad down...well, they did look like suspicious characters!
~They not only got to look in the plane's cock-pit, but were invited to sit in the pilot's chairs...this was before take-off, of course. We were glad that all the buttons and levers they pushed and played with did not compromise the safety of the flight!
They both got window seats, enjoyed the view, laughed at how small the bathroom was and had wide eyes and big smiles during take-off and landing! A fun time was had by all!
**Spencer and Mikaela arrived on Tues night-it was their first flight, also. Let's just say they were glad I wasn't there to make it memorable for them! My good friend, Lisa, drove them to the airport, helped them check in and saw them through security. They reluctantly posed for a a few pictures (thanks, Lisa) and arrived with big smiles on their faces.
**We have been toodling around in golf carts, swimming, reading, playing games, putting, chipping, spending time at the driving range, napping, exercising, watching lots of sports and just hanging out. We will be watching American Idol tonight to see who is voted off next (a weekly family highlight), have rootbeer floats (Bruce's favorite) while playing some board games and look forward to a day of "whatever" tomorrow.
Bruce continues to feel better daily-a little more energy everyday-and naps when he needs to. He is trying to get as much rest as he can before hitting Disneyland on Sunday, cuz he wants to try and keep up with his kids while there! We'll keep you posted on that!
Medical Update: Bruce goes in for a chest CT and brain MRI on May 4th. On May 11th, we go to Portland and see both Dr Delashaw and Dr Curti to get results of these scans. We will find out then if the chest tumor responded to the IL2 treatments and if there is any evidence of new or recurring brain tumors. It will be a relief to end this "waiting phase" and find out what Bruce's treatment options are. We will let you know when we know.
Our Adventure continues with much faith, hope, love and lots of LAUGHTER!
Full of thanks and rejoicing in Jesus,
MB for the A Team!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The Alexander Family is Making Memories Once Again!
It was nice to be home together as a family for Easter. Bruce was too tired to go to Easter Service and stayed home for much needed rest. He did find just enough energy that night to make it to Amah and Poppy’s favorite restaurant, King Tin, for a nice bowl of wonton noodle soup! A great first weekend home after his 2nd round of treatment.
Bruce feels a bit better each day and the IL2 side affects are less evident everyday. The mornings have been difficult (fatigue and nausea), but little by little he is regaining energy, strength and appetite! He is following Dr’s orders and getting out for daily walks, lifting light weights, resting when he needs to (a couple naps a day, usually), and being as active as possible.
He was outside on Sat doing yard work and playing casually with the boys and other neighborhood kids for 4 hours. He was so excited to have lasted that long . . . and then took a huge 2 hour nap!
He is thrilled to be able to drive again . . . me too! We are taking one day at a time and look forward to four weeks of no treatments.
It feels so much like a vacation for Bruce that we decided to go ahead and take one! We will be going to Palm Desert and staying in a friend’s condo. We love it there-warm, restful, casual and homey. We look forward to spending quality family time just swimming, golfing, hiking and just "chillin," as Pearce and Isaac would say. We will end our time at Disneyland with friends for 3 days (so much for being restful) and be home May 1st.
Bruce, MBA, Isaac, and Pearce will leave Apr 21st. Spencer and Mikaela will join us on April 24th . . . our teens' schedules are tough to line up with ours sometimes, but at least we all get to fly back together.
We are very excited to get this time away. Even more exciting:
Oh, the simple things in life!
This trip is possible because of the gracious gifts from family and friends. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our “family vacation fund." It is an incredible blessing and we look forward to making great family memories.
Another update will be coming soon-with pics and more info on Bruce!
Thankful and Strengthened,
MBA for A Team