Sunday, November 23, 2008
Life here is the same, busy and never dull. Spencer got braces last month, had his wisdom teeth pulled on Wed and spent a few days recovering here at home...I loved being "mom"! Isaac made the freshman basketball team 2 weeks ago, got a concussion last week and hopes to get back on the court sometime this week. Pearce made the Future Spartans 7th grade basketball team, has had a few minor injuries and looks forward to "hooping it up" soon. Mikaela comes home this Tuesday for a much needed 6 week break before going to Mexico on Jan 5th. You can get updated by going to her blog I (MB) am hanging in there ok. I am back subbing at Timberhill Athletic Club, getting ready to host Thanksgiving for 22 (with lots of help) and looking forward to having all my kids together at home! I have been missing Bruce tons lately, the reality of celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas without him is very painful but am hoping to create new and wonderful memories with the kid. Uh-oh, no more room on the post card. Sending lots of love and I will write again soon.
MBA for the A Team!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
In many ways, it doesn't seem real that Bruce is the same time, it seems too real everyday we go through without him. We have good days, we have bad will be that way for a long time. We miss him so much, yet we are so thankful for the time we had with him and all the memories that can never be taken from us. We choose to live everyday, because Bruce would want us to and because God calls us to. It doesn't mean it's just means that we have divine strength and power to make it each day....and that gives us hope that we will make it another 6 months. day at a time!
Thank you to all who have helped us throughout this time-prayers, random acts of kindness, words of encouragement, hugs, timely notes and calls that have meant so much. We will continue to need these, especially now that reality is sinking in and becoming more....real.
A very special thanks to everyone who made the plaque dedication last week in the CHS weight room a possibility and such a special evening for us. (I will post more on that later.) What a "forever gift" to keep Bruce's legacy alive!
With much love and gratitude,
MBA and Kids!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The A TEAM has had some tough days: we seem to be having more "sad daddy days", the reality of our loss is hitting us in unexpected ways and at different levels and we are just trying to figure out how to live and learn through it all....this has been very exhausting.
At the same time, the A TEAM has had somewhat normal days: doing what we do because we have to, making sure we do things because we like to, keeping all things in balance because we need to and spending as much time together because we get to......this has also been very exhausting.
I know this is a vague update, but that's all I have time for right "have to" list is really big today! Many have asked how we are doing and how can they pray for us and I hope this helps. Hopefully, I will be able to post some pictures and more specifics soon....hopefully!
Mikaela is now in Santa Cruz until November 25th. Things are going well and she is doing great. She is getting her blog set up soon, but wanted me to post her new address. (A BIG THANKS to those of you who sent her letters and packages-she LOVES hearing from friends and family!!)
May God grant you grace, wisdom and strength for today!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Ventana team arrived at Camp McCullough on Sunday night and are getting settled in for their 3 week stay there. She had a great time on her backpacking/rafting trip....which included jumping off a 35ft cliff into the water (big thing for her), cutting down a tree with a chainsaw (supervised, of course) and rafting for the first time...she loved it all. She gets along well with the other students and is looking forward to getting to know each of them better....I'm pretty certain that will happen whether she wants it to or not! They start bible classes today and will do service projects around the camp and in the community. Cell phone use is still limited until they return to Missions Springs in Santa Cruz, so I will post any and all details from future contact with my dear Mikaela. She said she wrote a really long letter telling me lots about the last two weeks, so I can't wait to get that and share some more with everyone! Here is her address if you would like to write to her:
Ventana Ministries, Mikaela Alexander
c/o Camp McCullough
20665 SE 264th Street
Covington, WA 98042
The Proud Mama,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The team took a couple days to travel up to Kidder Creek, near Mount Shasta in Northern CA. They were going on a four day backpacking trip, a two day rafting trip and then doing service projects at Kidder Creek for the last four days. Sounds like a great bonding time for the whole team. They will drive on Sunday, Sept 14th up to Camp McCullough in Covington, WA and stay until Sunday, Oct. 4th. She may not have her cell phone, but YOU CAN WRITE TO HER WHILE SHE IS THERE:
Ventana Ministries, Mikaela Alexander
c/o Camp McCullough
20665 SE 264th Street
Covington, WA 98042
I know she would love to get mail from her friends and family. We are missing her terribly...I can only imagine how much she must be missing us.....I can only imagine how much she must be missing her phone!!
Keep checking back here for updates. I will be sure and post any information I get from her as soon as I get it!!
Isaac is loving high school. He was so nervous when I dropped him off on his first day, I wasn't sure he would remember to breath! When he got home that evening, he was all smiles, told me he had friends in each of his classes, said the lunch food wasn't all that great and he had a lot of fun! I think he is off to a great start!
Pearce is missing Isaac tons, as well as Spencer and Mikaela. Thankfully, Charlie is home all day with him.....his new BFF! We are slowly adapting to a new routine here during the day and finding a schedule that works for "just the two of us"'s tough convincing him that summer is over and he needs to do school regardless of the summer weather! He is loving football and is pumped up for his first game this Saturday.
Spencer had quite the adventure getting up to school. As he was pulling out of the neighborhood, heading up to Newberg with his final load, his car jumped the curb he hit a tree! He is fine....however, the car and tree are not. (Still not sure how it happened....maybe just a little too eager to get out of here!) I was at the train station with Mikaela when this happened, so some dear friends came to his rescue, got the car "unstuck" and back to the house (thankfully, it was just two blocks away) and drove him up to school. He called one of his roommates to let him know what happened and that he would be arriving later than originally planned. By the time he got to school, half the campus knew about the accident....."Hey, Crash!" He is all settled in and staying very busy with his school least, that is what he tells me! We miss him but think of him many times throughout the day.....every time we pass the mound of dirt where the tree used to be! Laughter truly is good medicine for the soul!
Well, that's it for now. Thank you for your prayers as we continue on and in God's grace!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
~She only has $200 left to meet her $8200 goal!! We are confident that this will be met by Friday...last minute donations are still coming in and Mikaela is for sure going! This has been an amazing adventure (more like a whirlwind) and a huge faith builder for not only Mikaela, but the whole family. Thank you to everyone who contributed financially, supported her in prayer and gave her just what she needed in encouraging words and notes!
~She will board the train this Sunday afternoon and travel down to San Diego with 5 other students from Portland. They will connect with the other 7 students and the 7 staff members on Sept 1st and then the real adventure begins!!
~Mikaela will create a blog soon (Ventana Ministries requirement) and I will post all the information here so you can follow her every move!
~All the students were sent a duffel bag and a packing list...whatever fits is what they get to bring. Earlier this week, Mikaela was so excited to find out that she did NOT have to pack her sleeping bag and pillow in the duffel bag!! "More room for clothes", was her quick and cheerful response!
~He is packing up and moving into his dorm apartment this Saturday and will start school on Monday, Sept 1st....a true Labor Day for him!
~He had a great time at Mt Hermon this summer, but was very ready to come home. He worked hard, learned a lot, met some great friends that he will keep in touch with, was asked to come back next year (I guess they liked him and his work) and is looking forward to his sophomore year at George Fox!
~Spencer continues to grow more handsome in appearance and kinder in spirit everyday. It has been a delight having him home and he will be missed as he heads off to school....but Isaac sure is excited to move into Spencer's room and claim it as his own!
~He has stayed very busy with football conditioning this summer and officially started team practice last week. He is very excited for the football season, misses his dad as his coach, but is carrying on and living out the legacy of 'BAND OF BROTHERS, WILL OF IRON and HEART OF FIRE' ! He has a jamboree this Friday to kick off the season and we will all go to watch him play!
~Isaac is all set to start his freshman year at Corvallis High School on Wed, Sept 3rd. This is his first school experience and is equally excited and nervous. He got the classes he wanted, has great teachers and is ready to learn and work hard.....I think the classroom is where he will get his hardest workout!
~He just finished the last of his antibiotic and is feeling stronger every day. He missed the first week of football but was able to go and observe this week's practice. He is so ready to go full force into everything, but he needs to pace himself and regain his strength slowly....a very challenging thing for Pearce to do!
~He is going into 7th grade and will be schooled here at home. Things will be very different this year with just Pearce at home during the day, but we are looking forward to a great year academically and spending quality time together....I'm sure that will involve lots of physical education and time at the gym!!
~Keeping it brief, this has been a crazy, busy difficult month for me in many ways...mostly just keeping up with the children's activities and meeting all their necessary needs and deadlines all at the same time....all by myself....very challenging physically, emotionally and mentally.
~I am looking forward to Sept, finding a routine that works for our new family situation and slowing down a bit....hopefully, that is possible.
~I want to get back to teaching at the club, but for many reasons, the time just hasn't been right. Hopefully, as we settle into a functional fall schedule, everything will be "just right" for teaching...and other things!
Please pray for our family, but especially for me, as we are entering into major family changes in the next few days and the weeks ahead. "Major changes" has been our family story the last year or so, and it appears to be the continuing theme for us. We are up for anything and ready for whatever lies ahead.....not only because we have a God who is FAITHFUL, CONSTANT AND NEVER CHANGES....but because we have such an amazing network of family and friends surrounding us. THANK YOU!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
~Had apple pie for breakfast
~Enjoyed a home matinee: Nacho Libre
~Snacking on bbq chips and dip while watching the Olympics
~Having a dinner of barbecued bratwursts and burgers, fruit salad and corn on the cob
~Will get a game of Risk and/or Scrabble in as we digest dinner
~Top the day off with rootbeer floats, fig newtons and strawberry ice cream
~Tomorrow we will go to the gym and burn off all the extra calories...and have fun while doing it!
This is yet another "first" that we are walking through....emotions are all over the place but we are focusing on love and the good memories and creating new ones!
**Other Alexander News**
~Mikaela is close to her support goal. Life has been too busy to post her progress, but she will update a bit later.
~Pearce has pneumonia. He was not feeling well and having a variety of different symptoms, was put through a number of tests this week, including a difficult CT yesterday to determine the suspicious shadings in his left lung ......let's just say we are thrilled for this "just pneumonia" diagnosis!
~Spencer comes home on Thursday..YEAH! We will all be together for a about 10 days before Mikaela leaves on Aug 31st and Spencer on Sept 1st.
More later....dinner is ready!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
OK, so here it is:
**We had a garage sale on Fri and Sat and raised a whopping $1100! A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made donations, helped us prepare, set up, take down, brought me coffee and prayed us through this overwhelming task! Mikaela was thrilled with the outcome and I am thrilled to once again have a clean garage!!
**Mikaela has been working very hard to raise her own money to help with the cost. She is currently nannying for a week up in Washington for some very dear friends. It has been a great opportunity for her to be a blessing to others as she is being blessed...this is exactly what Ventana Ministries is all about...this is exactly what Mikaela is all about!!
**As of this morning, Mikaela has received $2550 in donations from friends and family. Add in the $1100 from the garage sale and the $1500 from Mikaela and that brings her total to $5150....leaving only $3050 to raise by Friday, August 15th. SHE IS ALMOST THERE! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!
**IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP MIKAELA MEET HER GOAL OF $8200, please contact me at and I will email you Mikaela's letter and the tax deductible donation form. (it would be too much to post on the blog and I don't have the technical know how to create a link....)
Well, that's it for now. I will keep everyone updated so we can all share in the excitement of how things are progressing....kinda like watching the Olympics....WE ARE GOING FOR THE GOLD...HELPING MIKAELA'S DREAM COME TRUE!
MBA for the "A TEAM"!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
So, quickly, for those of you who have wondered and waited patiently, here is the condensed version. Mikaela, of course, will share more details and specifics in an email and letter that she will personally be sending out soon...very soon! (Yes, it will happen soon!)
While at Mount Hermon, we met Doug and Carrie Vomsteeg, the founders of Ventana Ministries, a 9 month program for high school graduates who want to find the heart of service and solidify their faith, vision and purpose before they go to college. This includes 3 months of intense life skill training, Spanish classes, Bible classes, and various mission work in CA, OR and WA and then 6 months of the same in Baja, Mexico. Mikaela was immediately intrigued by what she heard and saw and she could not stop thinking and hoping this could be a possibility for her. (For those of you who know Mikaela, she has always had a heart for missions and serving others.) So, we immediately started praying. When we got home, we investigated further, prayed, got input and feedback from others, prayed some more, asked lots of questions, prayed even more, sent in her application on July 25th and prayed, prayed, prayed! Well........
Because of Mikaela's late enrollment (official enrollment deadline was June), everything is now in hyper fast forward speed mode....lots to do in very little time. There is much excitement and anticipation of how this is all going to come together....okay, and much panic!!! Mikaela is planning, preparing and working very hard to make money and raise all her support by August 15th. This is a big task that lies ahead for her but she has a big God and she knows that all things are possible with Him!
Again, this is a quick update with more details to follow. If you would like to know more about Ventana, you can visit their website at and view their promo video at
Please contact us if you want more information on how you can support Mikaela and to make sure you are on her mailing list!
Thank you for your prayers.....we greatly appreciate them and need them greatly!
Good Night and God Bless,
MBA and Mikaela
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We had a nice Wednesday of sleeping in, unpacking bags, lounging around (in between many loads of laundry), going through piles of mail, kids calling friends and making plans, etc.. We had a great vacation but there really is nothing like being home. Yes, it was very hard being on vacation without Bruce, even more difficult arriving home without him and being here without him...I'm certain that will be the case for a long time to come. I will post pictures from our trip when I learn how to download them from our new camera.
Spencer stayed very busy while we were at camp. We enjoyed seeing him every opportunity we could. He recovered quickly from his tooth extraction and there has been no problems. He really enjoys the team he is working with and he loves what he is doing (filming, editing and making a dvd every week along with other creative editing jobs for the two other camps). He does spend alot of time in the graphics office, aka "the dungeon", working long and late hours and is doing a fabulous job! He is ready for a break, though, and will fly home the last weekend of July for our yearly camp out with close college friends from OSU! We are all excited to have Spencer home again, even if for just 4 days!
We have some busy weeks ahead:
~Pearce is in physical therapy twice a week for some knee problems, is being tutored in math twice a week, is trying to get as much play time with friends as possible and attempting to keep up with things at home. I will home school Pearce for the 1st semester of his 7th grade and decide after that what will be best for him. I am looking forward to spending lots of 1 on 1 time with him...and I think Pearce is looking forward to it also! He is excited for football this fall and can't wait to be with his teammates again doing what he loves....smacking guys down!
~Ike is also in physical therapy twice a week for scoliosis, being tutored in math twice a week and doing other academic work in preparation for his freshman year. He will be going to Corvallis High School in September...he has a good dose of excitement and anxiety about his first public school experience. Football camp and daily doubles will be starting soon. I just want his body to be strong and ready for his football season...from a mother's perspective, one is never adequately ready for this type of abuse!
~Mikaela was ready to come home and prepare for her first year of college at George Fox......but it looks like she might be preparing for something else this next school year. When you ask God to direct your steps and lead you in His will......HE DOES!! Well, that is all I can say....Mikaela will have to share the rest. PLEASE PRAY FOR WISDOM, DISCERNMENT AND PEACE FOR MIKAELA AS SHE HAS A MAJOR DECISION TO MAKE WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK OR SO!! I promise, she will post something soon...very soon!
~Most days, I have way too much to do and not enough time to do it all. Again, I think it will be this way for some time. I have to take one day at a time, one step at a time, doing just the next thing....and then juggle everything else that comes my way that I didn't plan on! I am working my way back slowly into teaching cycling classes at Timberhill Athletic Club. I have really missed it and it is very good for me to be exercising again....I just need to be able to talk and ride at the same time...please pray that will happen soon!! :) I have joined a GriefShare Workshop this summer and that has been very good, very hard and very necessary! I try to purposefully take time to slow down, be still and process all that I am dealing with in the midst of our busy schedules and the workshop has been one great way for me to do that. It's not the easiest thing for me to do, but it is the best thing for me to do!
Boy, that was an ear full. I do hope that my postings give a little insight into what we, The A Team, are doing and are helpful for those of you who are still praying for us. It is "tricky" sometimes:
~to know what to say and what not to say......
~to make sense "on paper" when things don't always make sense in my heart and my brain.....
~to take the time to share when there isn't a whole lot of extra time......
~to want this all to go away and know that it won't.......
~to be on the receiving end of so much support, love and prayers and not be able to reciprocate in the same way.....
~to be so blessed and filled with overwhelming gratitude and to know that "thank you" just doesn't adequately express all that I feel.........but I say it anyway,
Monday, July 14, 2008
We stayed an extra night at Mt Hermon so we could spend more time with Spencer and other friends. Just like the beginning of our trip, we had dinner together on Sat night, the kids all hung out together playing frisbee on the meadow while I went to the Marty Goetz concert...another amazing performance! We checked out of our room Sun morning, went to church together, went out to lunch with Spencer, came back and visited with friends and then said our goodbyes to Spencer and was a hard goodbye! We stayed the night with our friends in San Jose and are just kicking back and resting up for our big drive home on Tuesday. The transition into "real life" is always a tricky one and a day of rest will help tremendously....esp for me as the driver!
We have TONS of stories from our time at Mt Hermon and hopefully over the next week or so, we can share them with the one about Pearce wrestling an Oregon Duck alum and pinning a packed dining hall!
Oh, just in case anyone was curious, the DVD turned out great. Bart, Ellen and Lauren all watched it last night and Lauren, a 25 year old business woman, said she wants to go next year and join in the fun!!! Great job, Spencer!!!
Well, keeping it brief. More later!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Quick Update:
Got here Sat afternoon, ate dinner with Spencer, attended the concert here on the grounds. The group, Christian Edition, is an amazing men's singing group and I couldn't help but think how much Bruce would have loved hearing them sing! I will post their website soon. I have a funny story about me and the boys meeting Keith, one of the singers, but don't have time right now...Spencer's coworker, Andy, might come back soon!
Sun was the 1st official day of Family Camp. The kid's friends from past years showed up and the fun began for them. The only time I really see my children is very quickly at meal time, at bedtime and when they want money for the fountain...the place to get drinks and snacks!
Luis Pulau and Bill Odelmon (not sure of correct spelling) are the speakers. Bill is sharing on Job and Luis is sharing on Joshua. Job, of course, was one of Bruce's favorite books of the Bible, especially this past year, so it has been extremely difficult but equally encouraging. Luis's message was all about The Promised Land....again, difficult, but so hopeful! More later on that!
We can never really go anywhere for any length of time without an Alexander Adventure....this trip is no exception. On Tues afternoon, Spencer texted me and told me that his gum and wisdom tooth hurt really bad and that he could not open his mouth. So, after numerous phone calls and a referral from the office manager, I took Spencer to Dr Stevens, just 5 minutes away, and within an hour and a half, Spencer was x-rayed, numbed, numbed some more and his tooth was extracted. He moved out of his dorm, into our cozy room, and with lots of ice, ibuprofen, a small dose of vicadin and a little mother's TLC, he rested and recovered for a few days and is back at work. So much for coming to camp and getting a small break from motherhood!! But what a treat for me to have the opportunity to mother my 19 year old....and I think he was kinda glad I was here to take care of him. Now, the real question is, how will this DVD turn out with Spencer on vicadin? I'll keep you posted on that also!
Well, I'm sure Andy will be arriving soon, so I need to end this quickly. Basically, in a nut shell, it has been very sad to be here without Bruce, it has been a joy to see my children having so much fun with their old and new friends, I have been deeply moved by the teachings and the music, I have experienced incredible fellowship with other single parents, I have been graciously received and enveloped by my returning friends and their families and I have been reminded once again that God is good, He is in control, He can be trusted and that He is good....ALWAYS!! It has been a full time here all ready...and we still have another full day on Friday before ending on Saturday morning!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Keeping up with the blog has been harder than I thought. Hopefully, like everything else, it will get easier as time goes on.....
Well, today is another "first" that we are facing and it has been tricky, to say the least. We had plans to be up in Seattle this weekend for a graduation celebration and spend this special day with family....everything is always better with family...but we are home with the flu! Bummer, huh? We have been given another opportunity to be flexible, come up with a plan B and make the best of things in a different way. We've had lots of practice doing all those things and are becoming quite the experts! It's not always easy or fun, but we do it! So, watching Disney, lounging around all day, being together, looking out for one another and remembering "Daddy" is our day...not bad!
I wanted to share something the kids did for Bruce's 50th Birthday Celebration last August. It is very precious to me and a great way to celebrate Bruce today...and every day!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
All the cards, letters, blog comments, surprises and financial gifts over the last 4 weeks have been overwhelming and amazing and have blessed me and the children in so many ways. Thank you to each and everyone of you for the tangible touch of God's love and faithfulness to us.
We have had many big events since Bruce's passing (still haven't gotten used to saying that): our 22nd Anniversay, Mikaela's 18th, Isaac's 14th and MB's 4?th. We were very sad not to have Bruce with us, but at the same time we were happy to be together, remembering Bruce all the time, making the days extra special and continuing to make memories.
We have other big events coming up in the next few weeks: Spencer goes to CA on June 6th for a summer media job with Mount Hermon, Pearce's 12th is on the 7th, Mikaela's graduation is on the 9th and then Father's Day on the 15th. These will be more opportunities for us to celebrate Bruce and each other in the midst of our grief and loss. Please remember us in your prayers.
Every day is different....not sure what to expect..never sure of when certain emotions will flood in and flow out. Some days are good, some not so good....but mostly good. Some days are too busy and zip by too fast, some are too slow and drag on endlessly...but mostly they are always 24 hours. Some days I like how things are going, some days I want things how they used to be...mostly I just like that I have a new day.
We are learning what it means to go forward as a family even though we do not quite feel like a complete family...everything is different in a weird kinda way. The things that used to work for us or help us are just not working the same anymore. Thank you for understanding and being patient with us as we deal with lots of uncertainty.
There is one thing I am certain of, though, and that is: "God is near"; that "surely goodness and kindness will follow me (us) all the days of my (our) life"; "in His presence is fullness of joy" and He will "uphold me (us) in His righteous right hand"...I know, that is more than one thing, but that is what I know to be true! That is how I know we are making it! That is how I know we will make it!!
I'm sure that each of you is feeling a loss or a void with Bruce gone. Please know that I am praying that God will comfort you as He is comforting us and that in the midst of your sorrow you will find hope and great joy as you think upon heavenly things...and that now includes Bruce!
I do hope to post more frequently, so please keep checking in with the A Team Blog!
We are so loved....and we so love you!
MBA :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
This young pup loves to pamper others; she looks for ways to be a giver of God's love. She can give so freely because she has tasted the fruit of others giving to her (& her family).
God is good. He has blessed MaryBeth with a very loving family, and every one of them have such a great sense of humor! MaryBeth loves bringing joy and laughter to people.
Along with MBA's humor is a genuine deepness for things in life that really matter, such things as knowing God and living completely for Him.
If you have some thoughts to share about Mary Beth, I encourage you to send them to her, so that you may be part of God's blessing on her today.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Bruce story - "Washing My Wheels"
The weekend before Bruce entered the hospital, brothers Matt and Mike came down to organize the Alexanders' garage. While doing this task, Mike had a strong desire to serve Bruce in a special way; he wanted to wash Bruce's feet. He shared this desire with MBA, who said there would be time for him to do this before the two brothers left for WA. As life typically is in the Alexander home, a lot goes on and it turned out Mike would have to wait for another day to carry out his service to Bruce.
The day Matt and Mike said goodbye, Mike asked, "Where is Bruce?" They found him outside washing Mike's tires with a brush! Mike immediately asked MaryBeth if she had said anything to Bruce about him wanting to wash Bruce's feet. She hadn't said a word.
When Mike asked Bruce what he was doing Bruce said, "You have new tires; they should have washed the wheels for you. I will wash them for you."
As hard as Mike tried to keep Bruce from washing the tires, then tried to join Bruce in washing them, Bruce insisted he wash Mike's tires alone... Can you imagine Mike's astonishment in this selfless act by Bruce? This happened two days before Bruce entered the hospital for the last time... Wow!
Mike did get to wash Bruce's feet, though, the night before Bruce passed away. He told Bruce, "You can't get away from me now, Brother. I'm gonna wash your wheels." What a precious memory for him to hold.
Blessings in abundance.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Mikaela is 18 years old TODAY!
5/3/08 - Bruce & MBA's 22nd anniversary;
5/7/08 - Mikaela's 18th birthday;
5/17 - Isaac's birthday;
6/7 - Pearce's birthday;
6/15/08 - Father's Day...
This Saturday Mary Beth and Mikaela will be speaking at sister Marcie's church during a Spiritual Transformation Seminar. MBA and two Arbonne friends will be pampering the women in attendance, and Mikaela gets to share from Colossians 3:1-17 on what it means to have a changed (transformed) life. Please pray that God's love exudes from them.
Spencer gets to work on the video crew at Mt. Hermon for the summer and leaves the beginning of June. This is a GREAT opportunity for him.
Feel free to encourage the family via comments on the blog, email or snail mail. :)
Address: 5938 SW Amberwood Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97333
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Bruce's Obituary and Alexander Family Memorial Fund

Click here: McHenry Funeral Home
Also, many have asked about how to make donations to the family.
These can be made out to the Bruce Alexander Family Memorial Fund at:
Central Willamette Community Credit Union
555 NE Circle Blvd.
Corvallis, OR 97330
Please specify “donation account” in the memo field of the check.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Slide Show...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Bruce's Celebration of Life in Pictures
Thanks Melinda for posting your thoughts and impressions! Here are some pictures to go along with them:
Bruce's Celebration of Life
I went ahead and put comments under many of the pictures so that you might know who's who.
Monday, April 28, 2008
PRAISE! Praise!
It was, once again, a God moment. Very, very powerful; the displays, the refreshment and standing tables, the order of the program, the music, the video tribute -- seeing and hearing Bruce laugh hard was awesome! -- Spencer's essay about his Superman dad, the special song about Bruce, the speakers -- Oh my gosh! The speakers were fabulous, especially Mikaela! -- the account of God's strong presence in Bruce's hospital room, the football chant, and the mingling in the lobby with those who love Bruce was so very special.
I am sure pictures will soon be added to the blog. Let us rejoice with Bruce in singing hallelujah and praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Directions to LaSells Stewart Center and Closest Hotel
Click Here: LaSells Stewart Center Directions
Most of the parking lots around the Center are pay lots at $1 per hour. The lot right across the street from LaSells can be accessed via Western Blvd. There are two pay stations in the lot. The nice lady at the LaSells Stewart Center asked me to tell you that the one on the south end, closest to Western Blvd. takes credit cards, paper money, and coins. The one on the north end closest to Reser Stadium will take credit cards but is not too happy with cash or coins, even though it says it takes all three!
The Hilton Garden Inn (click for website), located on the south side of Western Blvd and 26th, is across the street from LaSells Stewart Center. Non-guests of the hotel are asked by OSU to be good neighbors and NOT use the Hilton Garden Inn parking lot while attending the memorial service.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Alexander Family has been so loved these last 18 months and continues to be!
We are blessed and sustained daily by your prayers, compassion, acts of kindness and words of encouragement!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Good & Faithful Servant...
There are so many God-things to share; His timing is absolutely perfect. Lives have been deeply touched, including the nurses who worked with Bruce. Praises and thanksgiving are lifted up to the One, true God of Love.
The 'A' team has need for family time; they send their love to all. Thank you for caring deeply.
Friday, April 18, 2008
A Good Night
Mary Beth's brothers gave him a good shave last night. The night nurse was so impressed that his brother-in-laws would do something like that and show such loving care. She said, "Bruce must be great guy!" I was able to tell her a hearty "YES!" to that and told her about the wonderful gathering we had for Bruce in February. He is so loved, and he is a great guy!
Mary Beth came in this morning with coffee in hand. She looked well-rested after a night at home and "pretty in pink" even down to the Pink Converse All-Stars.
She will be talking to Dr. Neville this morning about easing up on pain medications so that Bruce might gain more lucidity. Please pray for wisdom.
Short note...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Still working...
Mary Beth has spent the last two nights and all but a few hours during the day with Bruce. In my honest opinion, she is doing very well as Bruce's strongest advocate. She still nicely orders people around, making sure Bruce gets the best care possible in the busy hospital setting. She listens attentively, asks great questions, and sounds like a doctor or nurse when she exchanges medical terms with them.
Last night Pearce used the cell phone to take a picture of MBA and him; it is priceless. If I can figure out how to load it to the blog, I'll post it.
The last two days have been spent with doctors and nurses working to get the right combination of medication into Bruce that would remove his pain and make him lucid. He had a "slick" (MBA's term) and successful epidural placed to try and reach the balance. The doctors said it would take a few days to see if the epidural works toward the balance.
MBA's mom has been such a gem in being with the kids; she is well-versed in this role, and a HUGE help and blessing to Mary Beth. Friends have stayed with Bruce so that MBA could take some much needed rest away from the hospital. Answers to prayers are continually happening; it is such a faith-builder to see God respond to such specific requests. THANK you for them!
Love from Mary Beth and her 'A' team.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Message from Mary Beth...
Bruce is heavily sedated and sleeping comfortably, which is the goal while he is in the hospital. There have been a few episodes of agitation and discomfort. There have also been some "funnies" by Bruce that had me laughing aloud. One of them occurred before MaryBeth arrived this morning. I had just gotten off the phone with MBA, while sitting with Bruce. He was trying to find a comfortable position when I told him MBA would be here in an hour (which was the truth). With his eyes closed, and in his quiet voice, Bruce said, "MaryBeth said she'd be here in an hour four hours ago." I did a double-take, then asked Bruce if he just said the above statement. He said, "Yes." I laughed and said, "She did NOT!" He said, "Yes, she did." The whole time his eyes were closed and he said that on purpose. It cracked me up.
A CT scan was done today; it was difficult for Bruce to get through because of the pain. They will meet with doctors tomorrow to figure out the next step.
Your love and prayers are greatly appreciated. MBA's requests are:
* Please be sensitive with the questions you ask the kids regarding how their dad is doing.
* Pray Bruce may come home;
* Pray for rest (for all);
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Bruce is resting...
Keep praying in any way the Lord leads you.
~Melinda for the Alexanders
Friday, April 11, 2008
Please No Drop-In Visitors...
MBA's mom and sister are in charge of the kids today; Charlie and the kids LOVE having them here! Mary Beth had a good night's sleep and strong cup of coffee, and is doing well for now.
Thanks much to those of you who emailed with available days/times to help the Alexanders. Email more and I'll keep a running calendar for MBA to use.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bruce Checked In and Resting
We chatted about old Navigator friends and about the ABC Primetime Report last night about "The Last Lecture." It was quite timely for them to watch it. Just click here if you missed it:
The Last Lecture
Keep praying!
Another Update...
Duane and I got to see the Alexander family last night, as we dropped off Dream dinners (Thank you ALL who continue to keep their account stocked each month!). MBA showed off the AWESOME job her brothers did in the garage and patio. Wow!
We visited a bit, watched "Idol" with them, and the report is the family is living life together knowing that God is in control. Bruce was his cordial self; the kids are sweet (and bug each other every now and then); Mary Beth was honest about areas that she needs help.
This morning as Bruce waited for his radiation appointment, his pain increased to where the doctor decided to admit him. Mikaela is with the boys; Carol W is with MBA (brought her a coffee, of course); MBA's mom and sister will arrive tonight.
What can you do?
* Please pray for EACH person's health (physical, emotional, spiritual).
* If you have windows of time free to "jump", when called, for any errand MBA may need (kids picked up, quick goody run for Bruce, sitting with Bruce...), please email me at with your phone number and the day and time frame in which you are free. This will be at MBA's disposal when she needs something.
Take care; God is worthy.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Please pray that Bruce would get some pain relief, have a decent night's sleep (me too) and that our kids would once again be prepared to handle this news and have what they need to work through it. Bruce and I are doing well. We are not surprised by the news, just saddened by the reality of cancer and the impact it is having on Bruce's body and our family.
Thank you for your prayers.
In His Care,
Bruce and MBA
Friday, March 28, 2008
Here is a quick update from home:
Bruce continues to spend most of his time in bed or the recliner. His appetite has increased and at times is "quite hearty"! He has good moments where he is up and about and he seems to have a few more of them throughout the day...and then is down again. It is very hard for him to not be as active and strong as he used to be. His back is hurting him alot and went into spasms this morning, due to laying around so much. Hospice ordered some good muscle relaxants and we will see how those work. Bruce and I walked up to the clubhouse this afternoon: Bruce rode the exercise bike while I did some other cardio machines. It helped stretch his back out and it was so good for me to get out of the house, work up a sweat and do what we used to do all the out together! Bruce is out right now walking with Mikaela and Charlie and enjoying this gorgeous day. He is probably over doing it, but he enjoys the fresh air and sunshine and it feels so good to be up and about!!!
Spencer is back at George Fox, the other kids are back to their school routines and my mom and dad went home Sunday night. It continues to be very challenging for me to juggle everything. Just like Bruce, I have my good moments and not so good moments. Please pray for me as I face each day's unpredictable agenda that I would lean on God and His predictable, unchanging love for me and my family.
Earlier last week, during spring break, I (this is Lisa Cowden, by the way) got to have a "fly on the wall", slice of life experience with the Alexanders. I was there for a short while to be extra hands and feet and to make a grocery run or do whatever.
As I was in the kitchen working on a grocery list, and Mary Beth was upstairs trying to rally the troops to follow marching orders and get the last of their laundry folded, I got to chat with the kids as they wandered in and out and in again. I stood ready with pen and paper in hand waiting for the long list of necessary items...
Isaac came to the kitchen, and in his great Ike-y way began talking with me... "Hey Mrs. Cowden. How are you? Hey, how's Brett doing? Boy, we gotta get together... How's spring break going? What have you guys been up to? Um, what do we need at the store?... Oh, I don't know, milk maybe. Oreos are good." (The Oreos were only after some prodding though.) Then he high-tailed it back upstairs to get his laundry finished (started?) and to pick up his room.
Mary Beth popped back down, looked at the list and agreed milk was necessary, Oreos maybe not so. Then Mary Beth headed back upstairs to check on the work at hand... Apparently the work at hand was slowed just a bit by the fact that Isaac had bound Pearce's hands together with some sort of adhesive tape, the kind you find in First Aid kits. As we walked in, we found Pearce laying on the bed with his hands bound, and his face beet-red from laughing so hard.... "Mom, I can't do my laundry... See, I am all tied up!"
Isaac, of course, pleaded his case with, "Mom, he told me to do it!!" Happily, Mary Beth sidestepped the age-old response of, "If Pearce told you to jump off of a cliff...", and simply told Ike to release his prisoner, handed him decorative paper cutting scissors and reminded them to get back to work.
The doorbell rings... back downstairs to find the housekeeper at the door... and to once again remind all listening ears that the laundry REALLY does need to be finished and everything up off the floor... and to add to the shopping list.
As Mary Beth was showing the housekeeper what needs to be done upstairs, she discovers the school supply box is dripping white goo. Apparently a glue bottle had exploded in the pen/pencil box, making everything sticky and white. Mary Beth trotted back downstairs with the drippy gooey box... and there we were in the kitchen wiping off pencils and calculators and washing out the sticky liner.
... Spence wandered in, and began wiping pencils and checking pens to see if they were still working. As we scratched ball point pens on paper, Spence talked a bit about his time at George Fox and told me about his dorm plans for next year.
... Mikaela came in after finishing her appointed jobs, and helped add important items to the grocery list, and to run a social plan by Mary Beth... "Could be the beach, but most likely shopping"...
As Mary Beth turns her attention to the shopping list, Bruce comes into the kitchen looking a bit like an overgrown smurf wearing his tall knit cap and looking for his black socks so he can go work out. We agreed that only a man the size of Bruce can get away with working out in black socks. Bruce is holding the "pooping moose" from his office, looking for jelly beans. (You know, the wooden moose that 'poops' jelly beans when you pull on it's head).
As he rummages through the cupboard looking for jelly beans to fill up the empty moose, he too adds to the grocery list. "Chips. Chips and dip. We definitely need chips and ranch dip... and milk."
Eventually, the shopping list is complete... and as I left the house, it dawned on me, that EVEN at this point of life with cancer, life keeps on rumbling. It doesn't stop, or even slow down. Laundry must be folded, glue bottles explode, and milk runs must be made! They keep working, playing, and making life happen. In the midst of the challenges, I saw them smiling, and goofing off, and filling the moose with jelly beans, and being normal (and not so normal... they are the Alexanders after all!).
Let's keep praying for our friends, that God would give them peace, strength and continued joy as they live each day.
Now, I would love Lisa Cowden to write a little "fly on the wall" excerpt from her "drop by visit" on Monday....let's just say that my many hats were not fitting so well that day...thankfully, she voluntarily put a few of them on for me and came to my family's rescue!!! YEAH FOR MRS COWDEN!!
My last post was on March 14th, while we were still on vacation. Here is a quick review of the last 2 weeks:
~On our way home on the 15th, we stopped at our friend's house in Wilsonville, OR for a planned reunion with Seattle friends from Bruce's UW days. (after he graduated from OSU, he moved up to Seattle to work with a christian fraternity ministry) He had friends fly in from Texas, Colorado and California-a huge surprise for Bruce-and other local friends were there that we had not seen for 20+ years! It was a great time of sharing stories, laughing, looking at college day photos (and really laughing), eating, praying, reminiscing, catching up with each other and just being together once again. In many ways, it seemed like no time had passed....other than some obvious evidence of new hair-dos, a few extra pounds and some offspring running around!!! This was a very special time with some very special people from a very special time in Bruce's life!! Here is a link to some pictures from that reunion:
~Bruce spoke the following evening to some college students from our NWHills Church Group. (see the March 17th post). It was very rewarding for Bruce to share with a group of young men and women who are at the same place he was 30 years ago! He knows what a crucial time in life this is to have friends who are like minded, who will live life together, encouraging one another to strive to do what is right and to love God!! Bruce's college friends are still his close friends today...doing the same thing....encouraging each other to love and good deeds!
~Bruce was actually coming down with a chest cold the last few days of our vacation. He happily persevered through the busy weekend and then crashed the rest of the week. He was put on a very strong antibiotic to prevent pneumonia and his cough cleared up in just a few days.
~Even though Bruce has fully recovered from "the crud", he continues to be very weak and tired. His pain is mostly under control (except his back that aches on and off from being in bed and not being active) but he is struggling with constant nausea, his appetite has decreased and he is spending most of his time in bed or in his recliner. Oxygen was delivered earlier this week to help with the nausea and fatigue. He has used it a couple of times and it seems to help a bit. He has had a few good moments where he actually got to go exercise with Spencer at our neighborhood clubhouse, heated up his own leftovers and walked Isaac thru the process of hand washing some dishes....and needed naps right after each activity! Even though Bruce does not like to be physically "down", he continues to be "up" emotionally and is as kind and thoughtful as always, even funny at times....those strong pain meds really work well!! :)
~Spencer is home for spring break and getting lots of good rest and good food and his brothers and sister LOVE having him do his parents! There is nothing better than having the whole family together!!
~Amah and Poppy (MB's parents) came down from Seattle late Tues night. I realized that I was pretty burned out and needed help juggling everything: time with the kids, time with Bruce, maintaining the household, making sure the kids had fun and not "shushing" them all the time, doing what was necessary to care for Bruce...basically just handling life! My Mom and Dad are a breath of fresh air, they fit right in and know our routine, they love on the kids, they are here to do whatever is needed.....and then some!!! What a blessing and encouragement to have them here!
~Our lives right now are full and very unpredictable. I know that we have so many people who love us and want to help out in any way possible. The best way to love and care for us right now would be to respect our need for rest, family time and limited interruptions. With that said, the best way to contact us would be through email or blog comments. Though we have loved the encouraging phone calls and the friendly visits to the house, they take more energy than we have right now. Thank you so much for honoring this request!
I believe that is enough to get everyone caught up with the Alexanders. Again, thank you to everyone for your support, love and prayers. We need them and are strengthened by them!
With Much Love,
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Fly On The Wall...
Bruce was resting in his room, and MaryBeth was giving orders to Isaac & Pearce on getting their rooms ready for new beds that were arriving the next day. There was hustle and bustle going on upstairs, music playing, the boys playing while MBA fast-talked to them. It went something like this.
"Pearce, I need you to move your --- and clean behind it. Pearce, Isaac, Isaac, Pearce, boys! Your dad is resting, you need to be more quiet. Isaac, help Pearce move the -- so he can clean behind it. The beds are coming tomorrow so this must be done now..." All the while, MBA yells to me that she will be right down, which is not a problem because I am in no hurry.
As MaryBeth and I move to the table, the playing continues upstairs. Eventually, she calls for Isaac to come down. He's going in and out of sight while MBA calls out, "Isaac, I need your attention. Isaac, stop doing that. Isaac, Isaac, Isaac, come here." Any moment I wait for MaryBeth to get angry. Instead, as Isaac giddily walks to her, and places his chin just above the laptop so that he is within inches of MBA's face, MBA speaks slowly to him on what she needs from him. He shows his braces (smiles), blinks (as if batting his eye lashes) and says, "Yes, Mom.. I don't know why but it's very hard not to start laughing right now... Yes, Mom." And he goes back upstairs. Inside, I'm about to crack up, but I figure that would only encourage him. Guess what MaryBeth does... She snickers and we get down to business.
Spencer had been quietly reading in the corner of the room (so quietly that I had no idea he was there!) when MBA asked if he could go upstairs and help his brothers. Without hesitation, he responded warmly and was upstairs in a slow flash (if that makes sense). Soon after, Mikaela came down and greeted me, then checked the stove to see what was cooking. She lifted the lid, said, "Hmm, that smells good." When MaryBeth told her dinner would be ready soon, she kindly said, "I'm not really hungry."
The home is filled with love and joy. Yes, there are tears, but laughter is nearby. God's presence is strong there.
Mary Beth is a gem; she is quick to acknowledge God as the Sovereign I AM. She has some tough hats to wear, and counts on Him to provide what she needs to effectively wear each hat.
Below are some photos from my camera. Enjoy.
We call ourselves the Joyful group, after the first Women of Faith Conference we attended together.

My mom and Laura joined me to hear about the products in MBA's orange bag.
Some of the Arbonne samples that feel and smell so nice!
Way back in December, during the Emerald Bowl, I took a few pictures of Isaac, Pearce and Bruce, along with a bunch of friends, on the streets of San Francisco.
.jpg)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Time with College Students
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A football team surprise party for Coach Bruce, completing 14 full brain and spinal radiation treatments, an unexpected stay in the hospital (a lovely Valentine get away!), a wonderful celebration with family and friends....just to name a few!! I think there is a phrase, "Pictures say a thousand words"....I'll leave it at that.
It is Thursday night and we are up in Newberg. Spencer invited Bruce to share at his dorm floor bible study at 9:30pm (only college students would start something at this time) and I am in the hotel room enjoying the peace and quiet. The kids stayed back in Corvallis and are having a great time with friends doing their thing! Bruce was honored and excited to share his special message with these young men on what it means to be a "Band of Brothers" with a "Will of Iron" and a "Heart of Fire" and being ready to "Take a Stand" ....but I think one young man was more honored and excited than his Dad!
In reading back over the blog, I realized that there was not a follow-up to the Feb 17th post, regarding future treatments. We were at the point in Bruce's treatment plan that the risks were way higher than the benefits and after speaking with his doctors a few weeks ago, it was a unanimous decision to NOT go forward with the last treatment. We are at peace with this, knowing it is the right decision. We continue to take one day at a time and are thankful for each one!
We decided to cancel our California trip, (not wise for Bruce to be too far away from home) and are heading, instead, to Eastern Washington for a week! Our dear friends offered us their vacation home in Cle Elum, WA, which will be just perfect for what we need: a kick back, low key, fun family time just hangin' with each other. I think it will be much easier to 'hibernate' in the snowy weather than in the CA sun! Spencer and Mikaela are taking next week off from school and we are so looking forward to being all together...even Charlie gets to tag along!!!
We are blessed! May you be blessed!
MB for the A Team!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Alexander Open House
The Alexander Open House was a joyful celebration of a life lived with love and joy. See the pictures here:
Alexander Open House
Monday, February 25, 2008
An Evening To Remember
Happy to Be the Moon
I'll have a picture slideshow by tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I know everyone has questions and hopefully this will answer some of them:
**Bruce had a highly concentrated radiation treatment to one of the larger tumors in his brain on Tues evening at OHSU.
**By late Wed evening, his head ache became unbearable, began vomitting and became very disoriented. As I was calling 911 (sometime around 1am), Bruce had a small seizure, but came to well before the EMT's arrived. A neighbor came down to be with the kids as they were sleeping and I rode with Bruce in the emergency vehicle to Good Samaritan Hospital in Corvallis.
**Our Drs believe that these symptoms were a result of swelling in the brain due to the radiation treatment on Tues night along with the two weeks of full brain radiation and the slow tapering off of his steroids.
**Dr Fuss, the radiation oncologist at OHSU, was very surprised by this reaction. These symptoms are not unheard of, but very rare to have them as severely as Bruce did.
**Dr Neville, our primary oncologist, was very shocked and concerned at how sick Bruce was and was very aggressive in getting his pain and nausea under control.
**We will be in touch with Dr Fuss this week to discuss whether or not we will proceed with the last scheduled treatment (radiation on two smaller brain tumors) and what the risks/benefits are with whatever we decide.
**It has been wonderful to have my Mom and sister down here, once again, to care for the kids and provide stability and normalcy for, not sure they know what that is!! :)
**It was nice to have friends come visit and be with Bruce while I was able to get out of the hospital for small breaks. The brief get-a-ways, care packages and coffee deliveries were just what the doctor ordered for me!!
**Words cannot described what it is like to be home....heavenly seems to fit!!
**We are now focusing on rest and recovery for Bruce and regrouping as a family and getting back to normal....whatever that looks like for now!
Once again, thank you to everyone for your prayers, support, and love for Bruce and our family. We are truly blessed.
The Alexanders!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Bruce at Good Samaritan Hospital
Please continue to pray for wisdom for and coordination between the doctors and for good pain management.
Thanks! We'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Bruce's Football Surprise
Friday, February 8, 2008
We look forward to a weekend of rest....whatever that means with 3 very active children at home....and just being together. Spencer was able to come home last weekend for the Superbowl (NY won, so it was a happy day) but his study load requires him to stay on campus for most weekends. We miss him tons and cherish our time with him!
We head up to OHSU on Monday, Feb 11th, for imaging, labs and radiation prep. Bruce will then have targeted radiation (radiotactic surgery) on the larger brain tumors on Tuesday and Thursday evening at OHSU....and then we are truly done with radiation.....AAAHHH!!! Please pray that the radiation did it's job.
The remainder of February will be dedicated to Bruce's recovery, MB's Arbonne business building, and maintaining the kid's busy schedules.
We look forward to March and hope for special things:
Who?...our family.
What?...the chance to get away together.
Where?....not sure, maybe CA, maybe the OR Coast.....
When? be determined, but hopefully early March.
Why?...cuz we sooooo need it.
How?...where there's a will, there's a way..and with Bruce's will, there will no doubt be a way!!!
Again, everyone's support, love, encouragement and prayers have been such a blessing and a source of strength for our family....we are where we are because of who you are! GOD IS SOOOOOO GOOD!
Finding Joy in the Journey,
Bruce, MBA, and the Crew!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bruce's actual treatments have been quick and bearable. The side affects......not so much. He has been extrememly fatigued, had four+ days of hiccups, a sore, tight throat (later diagnosed as thrush), some nausea, dizzy spells, memory challenges, minor loss of hearing in one ear, some weight loss, lack of sleep, and a few other things. He continues to meet each challenge with determination, dependence on God, love for others and with such a spirit of grace and humility.
In our desire to help Bruce be as comfortable as possible (and not suffer unecessarily) during this treatment phase, and to give me a peace of mind, we have acquired the help of hospice. We have only met two of the nurses and they are beyond amazing! Christy made the introductory house visit and evaluation this afternoon and 2 hours later, Becky delivered some new anti-nausea medication and explained the proper dose and application. What a blessing!
It has been hard for the kids to see their daddy so sick, but understand that most of his symptoms are due to the radiation treatments and the medications to counteract the side affects. Bruce's last full brain and spinal treatment will be on Tues, Feb 5th and he will have the rest of the week to rest and recover. Bruce will see Dr Fuss at OHSU on Monday, Feb 11th for some imaging, lab work and simulation testing. His last radiotactic treatment to zap the larger tumors in his brain will hopefully be the following day, Tues the 12th. After all this, he will truly have time to recover from this intense round of treatment....this will be time for the whole family to rest, refresh and gain new strength!
We love the blog comments and encouraging messages. The meals have been such a blessing. The taxi service for my kids has been such a help. The prayers for our family have been so necessary and effective....KEEP THEM GOING!!! The ways we have been blessed and uplifted are too numerous to list......God has taken such care to take such good care of us!
With much love and appreciation,
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thanks for your continued love, support and prayers!!! Good night!!
[FYI...Bruce's radiation treatments will now be done in Corvallis which will be better for the family, more comfortable for Bruce and much easier for MB to keep the gas tank full!!!]
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It is once again once again this will be quick:
**Bruce was stable enough Wed night to get his scheduled full brain radiation treatment (2nd one) AND his first spinal radiation treatment. No complications with these.
**My mom and sister drove down from Seattle to help out in any way. The three of us stayed in a downtown hotel in an attempt to give me a good night worked!
**Bruce had a good night, his anti-seizure and steroid levels were up where they should be, he was walking around the ICU unit after breakfast, passed all evaluations, was in the beginning stages of being discharged and unplugged from all his machines, felt queasy, got up to get his "bucket" and that was all he remembered. I arrived at ICU to Bruce being wheeled off to get a CT to see if there was any damage done in the can imagine how loud of a "thud" there was when he fell! Bruce said that the titanium plates in his head probably saved fringe benefit of brain surgery!
**Needless to say, all talk of discharging him was done. He was quite disappointed at the set back but knows this is the best place to be right now.....and I didn't even have to convince him of that.....but I was ready to do it!!
**My sister, Marcie, headed down to Corvallis to be with the kids, be in charge of all the comings and goings and get some order restored to my house!! She is amazing!!
**Bruce had another full brain and spinal radiation treatment today, is overnight again in ICU (they wanted to move him to the standard Neurology ward, but there were no beds available) and he will have another treatment Friday at noon.
**My mom, Amah, stayed here with me and Bruce and was available to do whatever. She is amazing!! We are at a hotel again tonight. It is hard for me to be away from Bruce but know it is the best thing for me.
**We know nothing beyond tomorrow's treatment, other than God is Sovereign, God is Good, God is Trustworthy and we are totally dependent on HIM!
Thanks again for every one's love and prayers. We are strengthened daily by them!
MBA for The A Team!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bruce Needs Our Prayers!
Thank you so much for praying. We'll keep you posted.
Carol for the "A" team
Monday, January 14, 2008
Our call from the doctor this afternoon included more challenging news to absorb. Bruce has a tumor in his right armpit and colon and one of the 5 tumors in his lungs has grown. The PET confirmed the tumor in the cervical spinal cord and his thoracic area is still undetermined. Again, we weren't shocked, just deeply saddened.....and slightly surprised that there were not more tumors....
The emotional roller coaster ride continues....this ride is not as fun and exciting as California Screamin', but I feel we need to be securely fastened and buckled in tight just the same.....
Bruce's plan for treatment stays the same for now. He goes to OHSU for a full CAT SCAN of his spine at 9:30 am and then has his first radio tactic surgery on one or two of the larger brain tumors at 1:30 pm. Our dear friend, Don Snow, is taking Bruce up to OHSU and spending the day with him so I can get things done at home (my never ending endeavor) and have time with the kids. The doctor mentioned in the phone call that the full brain radiation will start soon, as early as Wednesday! We will find out more after Tuesday's visit and will update the blog when we have more details.
Bruce: "We are trusting and seeing God's blessings every day....and hope you are doing the same!"
Securely Fastened in God's Arms,